King's Business - 1949-01

About Liars Dr. Leonarde Keeler, inventor of the famous Keeler Polygraph or lie detector, after testing more than 25,000 subjects, has concluded that 97 out of 100 people tell lies occasionally and many of them regularly. Other investigators, Doctors Mark A. May and Hugh Hartshorne of Yale University, after four years’ study of the lying habits of 11,000 subjects, discovered that the most honest are the slow-witted, and that men and women tell about an equal number of lies. With these statistics the Scriptures are in full accord, declaring that the heart of man is “ deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” ' The surprising part'of Dr. Keeler’s report is not the high percentage of liars, but that there should be any who were deemed truthful. Extremely solemn are the words recorded in the last book of the Bible: “All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second Recently the vast machinery of the Roman Catholic Church was readied to proclaim a new dogma. Bolstered by pa­ pal infallibility, the new doctrine re­ quires all true Catholics to believe that upon the death of the Virgin Mary, her body was taken up directly into heaven, not seeing corruption. Although abso­ lutely no record of this appears in ca­ nonical Scripture, belief in the “ assump­ tion” can be traced back to very early Christianity. While Catholics unofficially have been taught thus about Mary for centuries, still this doctrine has lacked the author­ ity of an official dogma which it is ap­ parently about to receive. Concerning Mariolatry or undue exal­ tation of Mary even over Christ, the Bible is impressive by its omissions. Mary appears only briefly in the sacred accounts and never once in the role to which she has been wrongly elevated by the Roman Church. This seemingly innocent belief in Mary’s infallibility has become one of the most monstrous of idolatries in the world today. The Women Speak Time magazine, quickly alert to sig­ nificant religious movements, after quoting First Corinthians 14:34, 35, makes this statement: “ That part of Saint Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was a dead letter last week in Mil­ waukee where the United Council of Church Women was holding its fourth biennial assembly. The Sunday before the assembly began, in 45 of Milwaukee’s Protestant churches, women delegates preached the sermons.” No 1948 Winner «5* Meeting recently, Norway’s Nobel Committee announced that it had found no individual in 1948 worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. Names which had been under consideration and were re­ jected, included Bernadotte, Mme. Kol- lontay, Churchill, Gandhi and Stalin. J A N U A R Y , I 9 4 9 death” (Rev. 21:8). Suggested Dogma

raphy by sending a four-word message over the wires, “ What hath God wrought!” Recently the Radio Corporation of America launched a new, amazing word transmitter called Ultrafax by sending the complete text of the 1,047 page novel, “ Gone With the Wind” in 2 minutes. Ultrafax is a hybrid of televi­ sion and photography. The material to be sent must first be photographed on a strip of movie film, then scanned by a flying spot of light. At the receiving sta­ tion, the reverse takes place and when this is perfected, it is estimated that Ultrafax can transmit 1,000,000 words a minute. Old-timers will remember that when the Revised Version of the Bible was printed, about the turn of the cen­ tury, it was telegraphed over the wires to this country, the process taking near­ ly a day. Darwin Upset «J* A new attack at Darwinian evolution, headed by Dr. Richard Goldschmidt of the University of California, appeared certain. Dr. Goldschmidt, who is an authority on genetics and heredity, told the National Academy of Sciences that a particle called heterochromatin might be the responsible agent for the cata­ clysmic changes in species as well as minor mutations. In other words, evolution has not come about by the processes outlined by Darwin, but rather by the unexplained actions of this previously little under­ stood agent. Dr. Goldschmidt has been conducting experiments with the Dro­ sophila, a rapidly multiplying fruit fly, He found that by using extra hetero­ chromatin there were so-called “mon­ sters” produced among the fruit flies. Don’t fear, this new theory in no wise explains the thousand and one other marvelous mysteries connected with God’s handiwork throughout the world. No theory of man can explain this amaz­ ing universe in which we live which we believe came from the hand of an Al­ mighty, All-wise, and All-loving God. Page Five

Apparently “winning the peace” is a lost cause so far as man is concerned. Helps Prevent Cancer <£ Sound advice relating to the prevail­ ing semi-nudity which parades under the name of health came from Dr. J. A. Regato of Ellis Fischel State Cancer Hospital at Columbia, Missouri. After observation in 2,000 cases the doctor pointed out that only one in every four patients was a woman. And in the region of the body where protection was af­ forded by hair and cap, little cancer appeared. Individuals suffering most frequently from cancer of the skin are those who are chronically exposed to sunshine. Doctors have long claimed that the beneficence of the sun’s rays, without danger of malignancy, could be obtained best through the filter of light clothing. Israeli Preamble J* The following is the Preamble to the Constitution of the new State of Israel: “ The Jewish people, “ Humbly giving thanks to the God of our fathers for having delivered us from the burden of exile and brought* us back to our ancient land, “ Recalling the tenacious endurance and the heroic sacrifice of countless genera­ tions for the survival of our people and the preservation of its spiritual herit­ age, “ Gratefully remembering the faithful remnant which maintained the continu­ ity of Jewish settlement in Palestine throughout the centuries, and the in­ spired efforts of the national revival, “ Resolved to build our commonwealth in accordance with the ideals,of peace and justice of the Prophets of Israel, to open our land to every Jew who seeks entry, to maintain the rights of the strangers within our gates, and to promote the peace of the Holy Land and the security and prosperity of all who dwell therein.” The'n and Now J* More than 100 years ago, in 1844, Samuel F. B. Morse launched teleg­

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