UJ Alumni Impumelelo Magazine Edition 10

REV DR. PAUL VERRYN: For his dedicated fight against socioeconomic inequality and poverty. The Dignitas Awards recognise UJ alumni for their contributions to the growth and advancement of UJ. The Latin word dignitas refers to the almost physical aura that surrounds a person once he or she has fulfilled an important task. It therefore has the implied meaning of deserving, merit, and worthiness. Dignitas Awards Recipients: MS REFILWE BUTHELEZI: For her passion and tireless contribution to the engineering fraternity. MS MAMELLO MATIKINCA-NGWENYA: For her ambition and excellence

MINISTER KHUMBUDZO NTSHAVHENI: For her continued efforts to elevate society and to address social injustices. In his closing remarks, Vice- Chancellor designate Prof Mpedi alluded to Prof Marwala’s words on excellence: I am certain that our staff and students will continue to find inspiration from your lives, and through your commitment to excellence and community. I leave you with the words of the Kenyan author Shalija Patel. Reflecting on an interview with Kuzwayo in 2006, Patel wrote “These words seem like the answer… As does the memory of a woman larger than exhaustion, larger than the ignorance of those around her, larger than fear,” he said.

Prof Marwala added that the awards aimed at celebrating the greatness of UJ’s people- both directly and indirectly. He said: “These awards, beyond a celebration of excellence, signify the honouring of community servers, who are torchbearers in their own right and have carved a space in the world. It is a recognition of excellence.” The awards are divided into the Ellen Kuzwayo Awards and the Dignitas Alumni Awards. Named after anti-apartheid activist Nnoseng Ellen Kuzwayo, who was also a community builder, the Ellen Kuzwayo awards recognise outstanding South Africans for their extraordinary contribution to

the higher education sector. Ellen Kuzwayo Awards Recipients: OMAR BADSHA:

as one of the youngest chief economists in South Africa’s history.

For his substantial body of art and photographic work that helped catalyse political resistance for change.

A farewell gift made by Mapula Embroideries – a beautiful hand-embroidered cloth celebrating Mike Teke, outgoing Chair of Council at UJ.


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