UJ Alumni Impumelelo Magazine Edition 10

Preparation, education, and persistence. Never give up on your dreams. To be a working actor depends on so many things. Good representation, talent, being at the right place at the right time, and a little luck. Being on camera, everyone will have an opinion about you. Good, bad or ugly. You’ll never be able to please everyone, so don’t take things personally. Just keep working at your craft, do your best, don’t give up, and don’t beat yourself up. There are many super-talented actors everywhere. However, this is a business; like any successful business, they keep doing what works. That’s why you’ll see the same actors in movies repeatedly; they guarantee money in the bank. Today, actors have access to technology like never before.

Don’t wait for an opportunity to come knocking. Create your own. There’s so much you can do. Your audience reach is limitless with the internet. Musetta says she was lucky to have worked consistently through her career, but that she also worked hard to get where she is. Musetta stars in a new movie with Danny Roebuck about the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on friendships and families called The Uncivil War – America Divided. The film will be released later this year. She married a fellow UJ alumnus JJ Human in 2018. Her dream is to one day act in a period piece or play a role based on a true story that changed the course of history. • Musetta Vander obtained a BA degree in Psychology and Communications (1983) from UJ.

Pictures from top to bottom: Musetta played one of the three sirens in the Coen Brothers film O, Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) Musetta can be seen in the background with John Turturro; George Clooney is in the foreground with his back turned. With Robert Duval with whom she starred in Kicking and Screaming . Musetta with Tom Beringer with whom she starred in Breaking Point (2009). With Brian Thompson in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997). Musetta with Jennifer Lopez in The Cell (2000). With Kelsey Grammar in Frazier.



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