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5 Health Benefits of Spring Cleaning! 5 Health Benefits of Spring Cleaning! 5 Health Benefits of Spring Clea ing! Health Ben fits of Sp ing Cl a i g!

1. Allergy Symptom Reduction. A thorough cleaning can greatly reduce the amount of dust in your home, which is helpful considering about 20 million Americans are allergic to dust mites according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. A 2014 study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunity found that cleaning and decluttering your home can help you avoid allergy symptoms and make you feel more healthy. 2. Cleanliness Produces Happiness. Maybe you don’t enjoy the process of cleaning, but the end result will leave you smiling. A 2010 study at the University of California, Los Angeles found that having a clean home can improve your mood and reduce your risk of depression. Studies also show that doing housework for 20 minutes can reduce stress and anxiety by up to 20 percent. 3. Better Heart Health. If you’re looking for an easy way to support your heart health, just 30 minutes per day of light exercise (including low-intensity physical activities like household 1. Allergy Symptom Reduction. A thorough cleaning can greatly reduce the amount of dust in your home, which is helpful considering about 20 million Americans are allergic to dust mites according to he Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. A 2014 study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Im unity found that cleaning and ecluttering your home can help you avoid allergy symptoms and make you feel more healthy. 2. Cleanli ess Produces Happiness. Maybe you don’t enjoy the process of cleaning, but the end result will leave you smiling. A 201 study at the University of California, Los Angel s found that having a clean home can improve your mood and reduce your risk of depression. Studies also show that doing housework for 20 minutes can reduce stress and anxiety by up to 20 percent. 3. Better Heart Health. If you’re looking for an easy way to support your heart health, just 30 minutes per day of light exercise (including low-intensity physical activities like household 2. Cleanlines Produces Hap ines . Maybe you don’t enjoy the proces of cleaning, but he end result will eave you smil ng. A 2010 study at he University of Cali ornia, Los Angel s found that having a cle n home can improve y ur mo d and re uce your isk of depres ion. Studies al o show that doing housework for 20 minutes can reduce stre and anxiety by up to 20 percent. 3. Better Heart Health. If you’re lo king for an easy way to sup ort your hea t healt , just 30 minutes p r day of light exercise ( ncluding low-intensi y physical activit es lik household 1. Allergy Symptom Reduction. A th rough clea ing can greatly reduc the amount of dust in your home, which is he pful cons dering about 20 m llion Americans re allergic to dus mites according to the Asthm and Allergy Foundation of America. A 2014 stud by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and I munity found that clea ing an decluttering your home can help you avoid allergy symptoms and make you feel more healthy. 2. Cleanliness Produces Ha piness. Maybe you do ’t enjoy the process of clea ing, bu th end result wi l l ave you smiling. A 2010 study at the University of California, Los Ang les found that having a clean home can improve your mood and reduce your risk of depre sion. Studies also show that doing housework for 20 minutes can reduce tre s a d anxiety by up to 20 percent. 3. Better Heart Health. If you’re looking for an easy way to support your heart health, just 30 minutes per day of light exercise (including low-intensity physical act vities like household 1. Allergy Sympto Reduction. A thorough cleaning ca greatly reduce the amount f dust in your h me, which s helpful considering about 20 million Americans are llergic to dust mites ac ording to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. A 2014 study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunity found that cleaning and decluttering your home can help you av id allergy sympto s and make you fe l more healt y.

chores, vacuuming, mopping, and scrubbing floors) can decrease your risk of heart disease by 24 percent. 4. Declutter and Do a Good Deed by Donating. An essential part of a successful spring cleaning is getting rid of old items that are no longer used or worn. Apply the rule of thumb that if you haven’t made use of something in a year, it’s time for it to go. Fill bags and boxes of things, then donate them to a local charity so they can still be beneficial to someone else. Giving to others is an act that is associated with greater self-esteem, lower stress levels, and overall happiness. 4. Declutter and Do a Good Deed by Donating. An essential part of a successful spring cleaning is getting rid of ld items that are no l nger used or worn. Apply the rule of thumb that if you haven’t made use of something in a year, it’s time for it to go. Fill bags and boxes of things, then donate them to a local charity so they can still be beneficial to someone else. Giving to others is an act that is associated with greater self-esteem, lower stress levels, and overall happiness. 4. Declutter and Do a G d De d by Donating. A es ntial part of a suc es ful pring cleaning s getting rid of old items that are no lo ger used or w n. Ap ly the rul of thumb that if you haven’t made use of something in a year, it’s time for it to g . Fill bags and boxes f things, then donate them to a local ch rity so they can still be beneficial to s meone els . Giving to others is an act hat is s ociated with great s lf- te m, lower stres l vels, and overall hap ines . 5. Get a Better Night’s Sleep. Do you have trouble sleeping at night? The National Sleep Foundation found in a recent poll that people who make their beds are 19 percent more likely to sleep well on a regular basis. Clean sheets with a fresh scent impacted 75 percent of those individuals polled. See what a difference spring cleaning can make by cleaning the clutter from your room and sleeping on some fresh sheets. 5. Get a Better Night’s Sleep. Do you have trouble sleeping at night? The National Sleep Foundation found in a recent poll that people who make their beds are 19 percent more likely to sleep well on a regular basi . Clean sheets with a fresh scent impacted 75 percent of those individuals polled. See what a differ nce spring cleaning can make by cleaning the clutter f om your room and sleeping on some fresh sheets. 5. Get a Better Night’s Sle p. Do you have trouble sle ping at night? The Nation l Sle p Foundation found in a recent poll that people who make their beds are 19 percent more like y to sle p w ll on a regular basi . Clean she t with a fresh scent impacted 75 percent of those indivi uals po led. S what a differenc spring cleaning ca m ke by cleaning the clutter from your o m and sle ping on some fr sh she t . 4. Declutter and Do a Good Deed by Donating. An ssenti l part of a successful spring clea ing is getting rid of old items that are no longer used or worn. A ply the rule of thumb that if you haven’t made use f somethi g in a year, it’s time for i to go. Fill bags and boxes of things, then donat them to a lo al charity so they can still b beneficial to s m one else. G ving to others is an ac that is associated with greater self-esteem, lowe tress levels, and overall ha pine s. 5. Get a Better Night’s Sleep. Do you have troubl sleeping at night? The National Sleep Foundati n fou d in a recent poll that people who mak their beds are 19 percent more likely to sleep well on a regular ba is. Clean sh ets with a fresh scent impacted 75 percen of those ind viduals polled. See what a diff r nce spring clea ing can make by clea ing the clutter from you room and sleepi g n some fresh sh ets. chores, vacuuming, mopping, and scrubbing floors) can decrease your risk of heart disease by 24 percent. chores, vacuuming, mo ping, and scru bing fl ors) can decr ase you risk of heart di ase by 24 percent. chores, vacu ming, mop ing, a d scrub ing flo rs) can decr as your isk of heart disea by 24 percent.

“As a ten year member of the United States Ski Team and a two time National Champion in the sport of Freestyle Skiing Aerials, I suffered a serious injury during a World Cup event held in China. Eight weeks before the Olympic Games I fractured my left femur into three pieces. On December 16, 2005 my athletic career came to a quick stop. On January 17, 2006, I came to Orthosports to begin my extensive rehabilitation. I chose Orthosports because of their high quality of service, their care for people, experience, professionalism, and their facility. Working in the pool for water therapy has been absolutely amazing. The pool program allowed me to gain movement helping me to progress much faster with my rehab. With the help from physical therapists Peter Young and Donna Gulick, I am continuing to gain my strength back. Together, we are looking forward to putting me back on the top of the World! As an elite athlete, I highly recommend Orthosports for your therapy. Thank you for all of your help, Peter and Donna.” - K. H. “Thank you for all of your help, Peter and Donna.” PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT “As a ten year member of the United Sta es Ski Team and a two time National Champion in the sport of Freestyle Skiing Aerials, I suffered a serious injury during a World Cup ev nt held in China. Eight weeks before the Olympic Games I fractured my left emur into three piec s. On December 16, 2005 my athletic areer came to a quick stop. On January 17, 2006, I came to Orthosports to begin my extensive rehabilita ion. I chose Orthosports because of their high quality of service, their care for people, xperience, professionalism, and their facility. Working in the pool for water therapy has been absolutely amazing. The pool program allowed me to gain movement helping me to progress much faster with my rehab. With the help from physical therapists Pet r Young and Donna Gulick, I am continuing to gain my strength back. Together, we are looking forward to putting me back on the top of the World! As an elite athlet , I highly recom end Orthosports for your therapy. Thank you for all of your help, Pet r and Donna.” - K. H. “Thank you for all of your help, Peter and Don a.” PATIENT SUC ES SPOTLIGHT “As a t n year ember of the United States Ski Te m and a two time National Champion in the sp rt of Freestyle Skiing Aerials, I suffered a serious injury during a World Cup event held in China. Eight w eks before the Olympic Games I fractured my left femur into thr pieces. On December 16, 2 05 my athleti ca eer came to a quick stop. On J nuary 17, 2 06, I came to Orth sports to begin my extensive rehab l tation. I chose Orth sports because of the r high quality of service, their care for eople, xperi nce, profe sionalism, and their fac lity. Worki g in the p l for wa er therapy has b en absolutely amazing. The p ol p ogr m allowed me to gain movement helping me to p ogre s much faster with my rehab. With the help from physical therapists P ter Young and Donna Gulick, I am continuing to gain my strength back. Together, we are l oking forward to putting me back on he top of the World! As an eli e athlete, I highly recommend Orth sports f r your therapy. Thank y u for all f your help, Peter and Do na.” - K. H. “Thank you for all of your help, P ter and Do na.” PATIENT SU CE SPOTLIGHT “As a ten year me b r of the United States Ski Team and a two time National Champion in the sport of Freestyl Skiing Aerials, I suffered a serious njury during a World Cup event held in China. Eight we ks before the Olympic Games I fractured my left femur into thre pieces. On Decemb r 16, 20 5 my athletic care r came to a quick stop. On January 17, 20 6, I came to Orthosports to begin my ext nsive rehabil tation. I chose Orthosports because of their ig quality of servic , th ir care fo peopl , experi nc , profes ionalism, and their facil ty. Working in the po l f r water therapy has be n absolutely am zing. The pool pr gram allowed m to gain movem nt helping me to progres much faster with my rehab. With e lp from physical therapists Peter Young and Don a Gulick, I am conti u g to ain my strength back. Together, w are lo king forward to put ing me back on the top f the World! As an elit athlete, I hig ly recommend Orthosports for your therapy. Thank you for all of your help, Peter and Don a.” - K. H. Thank you for al of your hel , Peter and Don a.” ATIENT SUC ES POTLIGHT

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