Catalogue Maggie Marriott Publications Australia Day 2024


Maggie Marriott

Sunday, 21 January 2024

13 Maggie Marriott Managing Director Obliterated By VicPol

In 2015 my estranged husband had police remove me from my workplace and the place where we raised our family. He locked me out and removed my signature from our company bank accounts. And even though he had never done one financial transaction in our company or the household he operated the company for over a year without doing administration. It took me two years to sort out the mess after he retired and I took over the company and took on liability for a very large debt CPA Australia Ltd Publication Employee Fraud What is fraud? Fraud is behaviour that is deceptive, dishonest, corrupt or unethical. For fraud to exist there needs to be an offender, a victim and an absence of control or safeguards. Fraud is generally described in three categories: asset misappropriation fraudulent accounting and financial reporting corruption. I have documentary evidence of the bullying and harassment, & I survived the isolation because I have a strong supportive network made up of total strangers

14 Police Supported Perpetrator Family Violence

Workplace Bullying Workplace bullying is characterised as repeated unreasonable behaviour directed at an employee that creates a risk to their health and safety. Threats to harm someone, acts of violence, assault, property damage and stalking these are criminal matters that should be referred to the police. WorkSafe recommends that you report these types of incidents to Victoria Police which is responsible for investigating and prosecuting these. According to the Police LEAP file, Gippsland Police investigated my 2019 report to Western Victorian police of a workplace bullying and harassment incident by interviewing the accused, a 'friend' of the accused, an employee, the instigator of the incident and two of my sons/ employees.

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