Maggie Marriott
Sunday, 21 January 2024
36 Police Procedure Workplace Bullying and Harassment Intervention Orders and Family Violence In August 2019, after locking me out of my workplace (and my accommodation) taking away my work vehicle, whilst on company business, laptops, keys and taking over my email, bank accounts, phone numbers and breaching a Family Violence Intervention Order… an APPLICATION
was made for a Personal Safety Intervention Order.It is now a criminal offence for me to go to MY OFFICE where my personal possessions are stored and to MY WORKPLACE, with my company assets and tools of trade. I was prevented from earning a living or even claiming a Centrelink Benefit. I have been prevented from managing my properties, using our company assets; my personal and household possessions are withheld. My mail is returned to sender and lies and slander have destroyed my financial resources
37 N ewsletter 14: The Pirate Queens Buoys N OTHI N G LEFT DESTRUCTIO N COMPLETE
It is a criminal offence for me to go to my residential workplace at 21 Bosworth Road, Bairnsdale. I have been charged with stalking and 98 breaches of an invalid Personal safety order by making a WorkCover claim and posting on Facebook and LinkedIn. By mandate of the Bairnsdale Magistrates Court, I am prevented from profiting from my assets until 2060. I am homeless & destitute. They have even taken my dog. What little freedom I have left will be taken from me all because I tried to prevent him from facing criminal charges resulting from his breaching an FVIO
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