Catalogue Maggie Marriott Publications Australia Day 2024


Maggie Marriott

Sunday, 21 January 2024

94 A criminal offence to communicate or go to my residential workplace

I have no doubt he is attempting to get me jailed, although I cannot comprehend how he can achieve this dominance over so many intelligent people. People whom I feel close to, family, friends, employees, business associates, strangers. I never knew I was not an autonomous being. What really occurred is my estranged husband has destroyed another one of my relationships. The outcome of his nefarious behaviour has been to silence and isolate me. It is a continuance of his decades-old abuse. Having me arrested for posting on Facebook is what it is all about. Silence her - isolate her and take control of what he regards as his!

95 Copy Messages for Legal Use

96 Misappropriation or Theft, and Spite

Spite is not a simple concept. Spiteful actions may be motivated by a desire to harm others as a source of the actor’s satisfaction.

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