12C — October 14 - 27, 2016 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal
Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women
2nd Annual CREW Lehigh Valley Legacy Summit THINKBRAVELY: HarnessYOURPower toLead Tuesday, November 1
2016 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident P amela M orris L iberty P roperty T rust P resident E lect K ristin H olmes H olmes C unningham E ngineering P ast P resident A drienne K wiatek -H olub BB&T S ecretary M arie M c C onnell F itzpatrick L entz &,B ubba , PC C orresponding S ecretary S andy K uhns K&H C ustom W indow T reatments T reasurer J ennifer K eat T ubiello -H arr & A ssociates D irectors at L arge J ulie M acomb N orris M c L aughlin & M arcus , PA T ina R oseberry C ity of E aston C ommitee C hairs & C o -C hairs M embership B etsy S hamberger M oonstone environmental C onnie H asara M ohawk G roup P ublicity J ulie P rofilet -S aucier KCBA A rchitects B etsy S torey -B ono C oncannon M iller & C o ., PC C ommunity S ervice J ody K ing CBRE, I nc . C asey N oble L iberty P roperty T rust P rograms J ennifer K ennedy - DDP R oofing S ervices , I nc . P amela S ullivan N ational O ffice F urniture D e A na S usinskas ESSA B ank & T rust F oundation C hair A nnie O sika L afayette A mbassador B ank D elegates K ristin H omes H olmes C unningham E ngineering K elly B erfield C olliers I nternational For membership information contact: Betsy@moonstoneenviro.com
llentown, PA — A committee of Past Presidents of CREW Lehigh Valley announces the second annual CREW Lehigh Valley Legacy Summit. THINK BRAVELY: Harness YOUR Power to Lead will explore the special strengths that women leaders bring to organizations in a half-day session on Tues- day, November 1. This compelling, can’t-miss event features National CREW leaders, a profound exploration of the leadership potential in each of us, amazing speakers and a panel of regional business women sharing their personal success stories. Registration is now open for the event to be held at the Lehigh Country Club in Allen- town from 8 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1. The cost is $75 for members and $100 for guests. Register on line at the event section of www. crewlehighvalley.org. Presenters include: • Judy Nitsch, PE, LEED AP BD+C – 2014 CREW Network President, Founding Principal of Nitsch Engineering, Inc. named a Best Places to Work by the Boston Globe • Micah Sadigh, Ph.D. Pro- fessor of Psychology, Cedar Crest College is returning by popular demand to discuss the leadership styles of women. • Dr. Debbie Salas-Lopez, Associate Chief Medical Of- ficer Lehigh Valley Health Network will share how her A
career turned from real estate to medicine • Nichola D. Gutgold, Ph.D., Professor Of Communication Arts And Sciences at Penn State Lehigh Valley will dis- cuss how women perform in male-dominated settings Well-known regional busi- ness women will take part in a panel on How We Prevailed over the Old Boys Club. Par- ticipants are: • Jane Schiff, Associate Broker, The Frederick Group, Past President, CREW LV • Sybil F. Stershic, Presi- dent, Quality Service Mar- keting
• Kristin Holmes, P.E., LEED AP, Founder Holmes Cunningham Engineering, President-Elect, CREW LV • Susan Ellis Wild, Esq. Partner, Gross McGinley LLP & Allentown City Solicitor CREW Past Presidents con- ceived the Legacy Summit as an annual program focused on professional development. Committee members are Jane Schiff, Associate Broker, the Frederick Group; Christa Kraftician, LEED AP, Princi- pal, Spillman Farmer Archi- tects; Kate Hart Zayaitz, Vice President, Commercial Bank- ing, BB&T; Tracy Yadush,
Director of Property Manage- ment, NAI Summit Realty; Adrienne Kwiatek Holub, Vice President, BB&T; Maureen O’Meara, Business Develop- ment Director, HMK Insur- ance, Pam Morris, Marketing Associate, Liberty Property Trust and Francee Fuller, Marketing Manager, Barry Isett and Associates. CREWLehigh Valley is a lo- cal chapter of the Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) Network, an organization dedicated to advancing the success of women in real estate with 9,500 members in more than 70 markets. n
SPONSORS GOLD Norris McLaughlin & Marcus • Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba • Liberty Property Trust • BB&T PennCap Properties • Servpro of Easton, Bethlehem & Whitehall • Concannon Miller • Duke Realty PATRON NorthStar Management • Boyle Construction • NAI Summit Newmark Grubb • Environmental Consultation Services CONTRIBUTORS Campbell Rappold & Yurasits • Buckno Lisicky & Co • Lafayette Bank Spillman Farmer Architects • People’s Security Bank & Trust • Colliers International FRIENDS JG Petrucci • HMK Insurance • DesignPoint • The Frederick Group • Tubiello-Harr & Associates Barry Isett & Associates • Falcon Engineering LLC • Langan Engineering Feinberg Real Estate Advisors • MKSD • IMC Constuction
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