
6A — October 14 - 27, 2016 — Financial Digest — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


F inancial D igest

Recognizing those who have contributed to the fight against substance use disorders Freedom House to honor Anthony R. Slimowicz, Esq. and Mark M. Scott in October


ders. This year’s recipients will be Anthony R. Slimow- icz, Esq. , Crum & Forster ,

York and Young People in Recovery. She has been a featured spokesperson for the New York State Governor’s Combat Heroin Campaign and featured in numerous press events and conferences. Seats are limited but still available at the banquet hon- oring Slimowicz and Scott which will be held onWednes- day, October 19th commenc- ing at 6:00 pm at Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club in Bed- minster, NJ. Anyone inter- ested in attending the event should contact Tracy Moran, Freedom House marketing

and development coordinator, at 908-617-5492 or tmoran@ freedomhousenj.org. Net pro- ceeds from the event will ben- efit the programs and services offered by Freedom House of New Jersey. Freedom House of New Jersey, founded in 1986, pro- vides three major programs for those suffering from sub- stance use and co-occurring disorders: long-term residen- tial treatment in a halfway house setting to adult males; The Family Afterward a tran- sitional program that provides intensive case management for women who are recovering from alcoholism and/or drug addiction and who are seek- ing reunification with their children; and the outpatient program, which began in 2014, for men and women who are in need of treatment, but also need to maintain their careers and family life during the recovery period. Freedom House has provided men with room, board, substance use disorders treatment services, life skills training and educa- tion, job seeking skills and assistance with job search and all transportation to and from work. Once working, resi- dents are required to make a contribution toward their program fee, saving a third for expense after they leave the house. n a section of the MARE Journal P.O. Box 26, Accord, MA 02018 781-871-5298 • 800-584- 1062 fax 781-871-5299 www.marejournal.com Publisher/CEO Linda Christman lchristman@marejournal.com Section Publisher Barbara Holyoke bholyoke@marejournal.com Section Editor Julie King editor@marejournal.com Financial Digest

across systems to empower others and inspire change. Cortney is a dedicated ad- vocate who often speaks of hope and the need for more recovery supports in our com- munities. She is currently the director and founder of WRise Consulting, offering expertise in addiction, mental health, wellness and recovery. In this position she has consulted for corporate businesses, federal agencies, and national and state organizations. Cortney has also worked extensive- ly with organizations like Friends of Recovery- New

LINTON, NJ —For 17 years Freedom House, a Hunterdon County

e x e c u t i v e vi ce pres i - d e n t a n d M a r k M . Scott , Com- m e r c i a l Mo r t gage C a p i t a l , president This year’s guest speak-

based non- profit which serves the entire state of NJ, has been recog- nizing indi- viduals who have made a significant contribution

Mark M. Scott

Anthony R. Slimowicz

er is nationally recognized advocate Cortney Lovell. She is recognized as a dynamic leader who works diligently

through their support, in- volvement and leadership in the community and fight against substance use disor-


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