Sammamish Unified Development Code

Environment & Sustainability | Environmentally Critical Areas

studies completed by qualified professionals, that the proposed development will: i. Protect, restore or enhance the wildlife habitat, natural drainage, or other valuable functions of the wetland resulting in a net improvement to the functions of the wetland system; ii. Design, implement, maintain, and monitor a mitigation plan prepared by a qualified professional; iii. Perform the mitigation under the direction of a qualified professional; and iv. Will otherwise be consistent with the purposes of this chapter. b. If a wetland is in a flood hazard area, the applicant shall notify affected communities and native tribes of proposed alterations prior to any alteration and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Insurance Administration. c. There shall be no introduction of any nonnative or invasive plant or wildlife into any wetland or wetland buffer except as required by a state or federal permit or approval or as otherwise allowed by SDC 21.03.020G., Allowances for existing urban development and other uses.

ii. The utility corridor meets any additional requirements for installation, replacement of vegetation and maintenance, as needed to mitigate impacts. e. Sewer utility corridors may be allowed in wetland buffers only if: i. The applicant demonstrates that the sewer line location is necessary for gravity flow; ii. The corridor is not located in a wetland or buffer used by species listed as endangered or threatened by the state or federal government or containing critical or outstanding actual habitat for those species or heron rookeries or raptor nesting trees; iii. The corridor alignment including, but not limited to, any allowed maintenance roads follows a path farthest from the wetland edge as feasible; iv. Corridor construction and maintenance protects the wetland and buffer and is aligned to avoid cutting trees greater than 12 inches in diameter at breast height, when possible, and pesticides, herbicides and other hazardous substances are not used; v. An additional, contiguous and undisturbed buffer, equal in width to the proposed corridor, including any allowed maintenance roads, is provided to protect the wetland; vi. The corridor is revegetated with appropriate native vegetation at preconstruction densities or greater immediately upon completion of construction or

d. Utilities may be allowed in wetland buffers if:

i. The director determines that no reasonable alternative location is available; and

98 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

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