Sammamish Unified Development Code

Neighborhood Design Standards | Neighborhood Design

a third party. When access to the open space is provided, the access shall be located in a separate tract; and 2. In the R-1 zone, open space tracts created by clustering required by SDC 21.04.030.C. shall be located and configured to create urban separators and greenbelts as required by the comprehensive plan, to connect and increase protective buffers for critical areas as defined in SDC 21.04.040B.70., to connect and protect wildlife habitat corridors designated by the comprehensive plan, and to connect existing or planned public parks or trails. The City may require open space tracts created under this subsection to be dedicated to the City, an appropriate managing public agency, or qualifying private entity such as a nature conservancy.

3. Design Standards

a. On-street parking stalls be right sized and not exceed 100% of the off-street parking requirement within the neighborhood, unless waived by the City upon determination that additional parking is warranted based on information submitted by the applicant for a neighborhood-specific analysis. b. Where uninterrupted parallel on-street parking is not warranted by the parking program analysis, provide bulb outs with landscaping and street trees between parking pockets.

F. Parking

1. Design Intent

The design intent of parking is to right-size the total amount of parking provided through neighborhood design, including on- and off-street parking. Design on-street parking to be compatible with adjacent development, pedestrian-oriented, and not oversized for anticipated traffic and parking volumes.

2. Parking Program Analysis

All development applications subject to the Neighborhood Design Standards must provide a parking analysis showing the location and amount of on- and off-street parking proposed, including the number of stalls provided per dwelling unit. All parking, including in garages, must be factored into the parking program analysis.

Effective | January 1, 2022

Title 21: Sammamish Development Code | 17

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