Neighborhood Design Standards | Neighborhood Design
3. Arterial Frontages Types
than 100’ from the arterial street. Sloped sites may also incorporate the Retaining Wall frontage to accommodate sloped sites, in accordance with the standards below. Lots that are developed as of December 31, 2021 and become non-conforming due to these standards may be redeveloped or modified in accordance with SDC 21.09.030.E.3.
Arterial frontage standards apply to sites that front on an arterial the R- Districts. The following arterial frontage types are permitted along designated arterial streets shown in the map above including major arterials, minor arterials, and collectors. All applicable development must incorporate one or more of the permitted frontage types on designated arterial streets. Development that is more than 100’ from the edge of the arterial street public right- of-way is not subject to the arterial buffer standards. The minimum buffer for subdivisions, short subdivisions, and binding site plans on sites without mature forest along the arterial is the landscape frontage. The buffer standards may be modified on projects less than 5 net developable acres where application of the standards would reduce the project density as determined by the City based on information submitted by the applicant. Net developable acres exclude critical areas and buffers, no disturbance areas, and other portions of the site that are restricted from development. Net developable acres include all developable portions of the site including areas for streets, stormwater infrastructure, open space, and recreation space. The buffer area shall count towards the project density as provided in Section 21.04.030.H. even if it is provided in a separate open space tract. If the 100’ distance needs to be expanded to accommodate the frontage type and it meets the intent of this section, the additional land also counts toward the net density and project density. Undeveloped lots existing prior to December 31, 2021 with frontage along an arterial street must use the Front arterial frontage type unless the principal building is located more
Effective | January 1, 2022
Title 21: Sammamish Development Code | 19
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