Sammamish Unified Development Code

Residential Density Incentives | Neighborhood Design

C. Maximum densities permitted through residential density incentive review The maximum density permitted through RDI review shall be 150 percent of the base density of the underlying zone of the development site or 200 percent of the base density for RDI proposals with 100 percent affordable units.

public benefit enumerated in this Section shall be eligible to earn bonus dwelling units as set forth in subsection 6. of this section when the public benefits provided exceed the basic development standards of this Title. When a development is located in a special overlay district, bonus units may be earned if the development provides public benefits exceeding corresponding standards of the special district. 6. The following are the public benefits eligible to earn density incentives through RDI review:

D. Public benefits and density incentives

1. The public benefits eligible to earn increased densities, and the maximum incentive to be earned by each benefit, are set forth in subsection 6. of this section. The density incentive is expressed as additional bonus dwelling units (or fractions of dwelling units) earned per amount of public benefit provided.

2. Bonus dwelling units may be earned through any combination of the listed public benefits.

3. The guidelines for affordable housing bonuses including the establishment of rental levels, housing prices and asset limitations will be updated and adopted annually by the council in the comprehensive housing affordability strategy plan. 4. Bonus dwelling units may also be earned and transferred to the project site through the transfer of density credit (TDC) process set forth in SDC 21.06.070, by providing any of the open space, or park site public benefits set forth in subsections 6.2. or 6.3. of this section on sites other than that of the RDI development. 5. Residential development in R-4 through R-18 zones with property specific development standards requiring any

Effective | January 1, 2022

Title 21: Sammamish Development Code | 31

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