Sammamish Unified Development Code

Neighborhood Design | Residential Density Incentives


Density incentive

Improvement of dedicated trail segment to the City of Sammamish standards.

1.8 bonus units per quarter-mile of trail constructed to City standard for pedestrian trails; or 2.5 bonus units per quarter-mile of trail constructed to City standard for multipurpose trails (pedestrian/ bicycle/equestrian). Shorter segments shall be awarded bonus units on a pro rata basis. If the applicant is dedicating the site of the improvements, the bonus units earned by improvements shall be added to the bonus units earned by the dedication.

Dedication of open space, meeting the City of Sammamish acquisition standards to the City or a qualified public or private organization such as a nature conservancy. Energy Conservation Benefit units that incorporate conservation features in the construction of all on-site dwelling units heated by electricity that save at least 20 percent of space heat energy use from the maximum permitted by the Northwest Energy Code, as amended. No more than 50 percent of the required savings may result from the installation of heat pumps. None of the required savings shall be achieved by reduction of glazing area below 15 percent of floor area. Energy use shall be expressed as allowable energy load per square foot or as total transmittance (UA). Benefit units that incorporate conservation features in the construction of all on-site dwelling units heated by natural gas, or other non-electric heat source, that save at least 25 percent of space heat energy use from the maximum permitted by the Northwest Energy Code, as amended. None of the required savings shall be achieved by reduction of glazing area below 15 percent of floor area. Energy use shall be expressed as allowable energy load per square foot or as total transmittance (UA). Developments located within one-quarter mile of transit routes served on at least a half- hourly basis during the peak hours and hourly during the daytime nonpeak hours.

0.5 bonus unit per acre of open space.

0.15 bonus unit per benefit unit that achieves the required savings.

0.10 bonus unit per benefit unit that achieves the required savings.

10 percent increase above the base density of the zone.

34 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

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