Sammamish Unified Development Code

Town Center | Technical Terms and Land Use Definitions

42. Sight distance triangle. A required setback area at the intersection or driveway entrance off a public or private street for any fence, berm, vegetation, on-site vehicle parking area, signs or other physical obstruction between 42 inches and eight feet above the existing street grade. See SDC 21.07.050T. for details. 43. Sign. Any medium, device, structure, fixture, or placard, including any necessary supporting structure and component parts, that is visible from a public right-of-way or surrounding properties, and uses graphics, symbols, or written copy to convey a message, attract attention to, or advertise a product, place, activity, business, event, good, service, or land use. 44. Sign, A-frame. A freestanding, two-panel, foldable, portable temporary sign made of rigid material. 45. Sign, awning/marquee. A sign painted on or attached directly to and supported by an awning or marquee. An awning may be constructed of rigid or nonrigid materials and may be retractable or nonretractable. A marquee is a roof-like shelter, as of glass, projecting above an outer door and over a sidewalk or a terrace, which may be attached to a building or be freestanding. 46. Sign, blade. A small, pedestrian-oriented building-mounted sign that is attached to and supported by the exterior wall of a building with the exposed face of the sign on a plane perpendicular to the wall of the building, projecting more than one foot from the wall of a building and vertical to the ground.

47. Sign, box/cabinet. A building-mounted sign that is attached to and supported by the exterior wall of a building with the exposed face of the sign on a plane parallel to the wall of the building and where the sign or individual letters are contained within a box or cabinet and are internally illuminated.

48. Sign, building-mounted. A sign that is attached directly to a building or indirectly attached to a building by a support structure. Building-mounted signs may include, but are not limited to, wall, hanging, blade, awning, marquee, opaque, channel, painted, shadow, and window signs. 49. Sign, changing message. A sign that contains electronically controlled digital or illuminated text, or a sign that contains text that can be manually changed.

412 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

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