Town Center | Development Standards—Design Requirements
vii. A rain garden or other low impact development measure may be incorporated as part of the treatments above.
d. Table of Landscaped Separators and Buffers. In order to mitigate the impacts of new development on adjacent residential areas, public open spaces, and public trails, the required buffer standards listed in the table below are established. A new development use or facility listed in the first column shall include the buffer indicated in the cell in the applicable Adjacent Uses and Zoning column. The buffers are only required where the new and existing developments have a common property line (not properties across the street from one another). The director may modify the requirements if such a revision results in a public benefit and better condition for the adjacent properties. See subsection 5. of this section for buffers and setbacks for interface between TC-A and TC-C and TC-A and E zones. Other ways to provide separation include artistically treated walls and dense vegetated screens. Where this chart conflicts with another standard in these regulations, the widest dimension shall apply.
464 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code
Effective | January 1, 2022
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