Town Center | Development Standards—Design Requirements
restaurants may be considered to cause such impacts;
iii. All structures in TC-A zoned properties over 10 feet in height and all parking lots shall be set back from TC-C and E zoned properties and buffered by at least a 20-foot-wide strip of Type I, II or IV landscaping; iv. Trails and parks may be located adjacent to TC-C and E zoned properties. Active recreation areas such as sports fields and children’s play area shall be buffered by at least a 10-foot-wide strip of Type I, II or IV landscaping unless the City and adjacent property owners agree that such landscaping is not necessary; v. Public and private roadways may be located adjacent in TC-A zoned properties adjacent to TC-C and E zoned properties. The director may require that the roadway be buffered from the TC-C and E zoned properties if (s)he determines that such a roadway will cause significant adverse impacts to existing residences. The director may also require additional landscaping to either side of the roadway to mitigate significant adverse impacts to properties in TC-C or E zones; and vi. Land areas in TC-A zones adjacent to TC-C and E zones that are left unimproved after development of the A zone property shall be landscaped with Type I, II or IV landscaping as described in SDC 21.07.070C.
e. Where TC-A zones are adjacent to either TC-C or E zoned properties, the following shall apply.
i. Portions of buildings and structures, including parking garages, over 35 feet in height shall be set back from TC-C and E zoned properties at least 50 feet and shall be buffered by at least a 20-foot-wide strip of Type I, II or IV landscaping if there is not another improvement, such as a roadway or parking lot between the structure and the building, which requires a different form of buffering; ii. Storage areas, service areas, activities and site elements that could cause significant adverse glare, shading, noise or odor impacts to residential properties in the TC-C or E zoned properties shall be set back at least 50 feet from TC-C and E zoned properties and shall be buffered by at least a 20-foot-wide strip of Type I, II or IV landscaping if they are within 60 feet of the TC-C or E zoned properties. Parking lots and standard mechanical equipment for heating and cooling of buildings shall not be considered to cause adverse impacts but service areas for large trucks and exhaust from
466 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code
Effective | January 1, 2022
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