Sammamish Unified Development Code

Town Center | Development Standards—Design Requirements

for angled building orientations, nonrectilinear or constrained (such as lots with steep topography) lots.

i. Duplex Design Standards. Duplexes should be designed similar in nature to single-family homes and shall feature a visible entry and windows facing the street. The visibility of driveways and garages shall be minimized and sufficient private open space provided. Specifically, duplexes shall comply with subsections 1. through 3. of this section with the following exceptions and additional provisions: i. Duplexes may include a 20-foot-wide shared driveway or two 12-foot driveways on opposite ends of the lot;

3. Single-family – Cottage housing

a. Intent.

i. To provide an opportunity for small, detached housing types clustered around a common open space; ii. To ensure that cottage developments contribute to the overall character of the Town Center; iii. To provide for centrally located and functional common open space that fosters a sense of community;

ii. Separate covered entries for each unit are required;

iii. Duplexes on corner lots shall place pedestrian entries on opposite streets; and iv. At least 10 percent of the street-facing facade shall be windows or other glazing (e.g., door glazing).

504 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

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