Sammamish Unified Development Code

Neighborhood Design | Land Division

2. Procedures and limitations of the boundary line adjustment process Adjustment of boundary lines between adjacent lots shall be consistent with the following review procedures and limitations: a. Applications for boundary line adjustments shall be reviewed as a Type 1 permit as provided in SDC 21.09.010. The review shall include examination for consistency with this Title, the shoreline master program including SMC Title 25 and for developed lots building and fire codes and may include review by the applicable agency for department of health regulations and water and sewer district requirements; b. Any adjustment of boundary lines must be approved by the department prior to the transfer of property ownership between adjacent legal lots; c. May require modification or sharing of access from public works to be approved by the City engineer;

v. Result in a lot that previously met sewer/water district standards for sewer/water service no longer meeting district standards; vi. Be inconsistent with any restrictions or conditions of approval for a recorded plat or short plat; vii. Involve lots which do not have a common boundary; or viii. Circumvent the subdivision or short subdivision procedures set forth in this Title. Factors which indicate that the boundary line adjustment process is being used in a manner inconsistent with statutory intent include: numerous and frequent adjustments to the existing lot boundary, a proposal to move a lot or building site to a different location, and a large number of lots being proposed for a boundary line adjustment; e. The elimination of lines between two or more lots for the purpose of creating a single lot that meets requirements as a building site shall be considered an adjustment of boundary lines and shall not be subject to the subdivision and short subdivision provisions of this Title; and

d. A boundary line adjustment proposal shall not:

i. Result in the creation of an additional lot;

ii. Result in a lot that does not qualify as a building site pursuant to this Title; iii. Reduce conforming lot dimensions such as area or width to nonconforming dimensions;

f. Recognized lots in an approved site plan for a conditional use permit, special use permit or commercial site development permit shall be

considered a single site and no lot lines on the site may be altered by a boundary line adjustment to transfer density or separate lots to another property not included in the original site plan of the subject development

iv. Reduce the overall area in a plat or short plat devoted to open space;

56 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

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