Georgia Grantmakers Alliance - Stakeholder Assessment Repor…

• But I think that’s the other hard point here is not wanting to limit the participation of folks who are maybe new coming into the field and aren’t going to pay some membership fee. • There are few young people in the room; there are very few trustees in the room. • I think we have a tremendous opportunity across philanthropy to engage the younger generation of emerging philanthropists. It’s not just GGA, I think we all need to think about what that means? How do we include but also provide some opportunities for emerging younger philanthropists to have their voices heard and imprint on things? • I might add. And this is a confusion I have, is I don’t know if this would be a threat, but it needs to be better. I think the confusion is the relationship with the Southeastern Council of Foundations. I’ll just leave it at that. • How GGA interacts with the Southeastern Council of Foundations, I think that could be improved. • It’s interesting that SECF is based in Atlanta, got a lot of Atlanta love, and a lot of Georgia based love, GGA is here too, so as a newbie still new to the party it took me a hot second to figure out the difference between what was what and how it all correlates and relates and doesn’t step on each other’s toes but partners together, et cetera. • I think we have to get more clear on what we offer. I think we have to get clear on how we will pay for those things that we offer. And I think we have to be more clear how we are managing the voices that are in our network, and I don’t mean managing them, but managing how GGA shows up understanding there’s multiple voices. So I think those are things that we’ll have to figure out. • I think we should aspire to achieve clarity on what we offer, and maybe even more so, we should aspire to be clear on why we’re offering it. And then I think we need to be clear on how we’re going to pay for it, and our structure, and what it means to the philanthropic community in Georgia. And our relationships to our partners. I think these are just things we’ll have to spend some time to get clear on. • Without going into detail, I think it’s just worth examining or re-examining what it means for GGA, a grant-makers alliance versus the other affinity groups that exists? What does it mean? Who’s expected to do what, who should be lead on what? Maybe just state clearly what the differences are. Sometimes it’s confusing and sometimes it’s exhausting to try to keep up with everything.

Developing Philanthropy Leaders – 6

Defining Relationship with SECF – 6

Story Telling of GGA’s purpose and impact through

participant connected experiences – 4

Georgia Grantmakers Alliance // SOAR Analysis & Net Promoter Score


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