Georgia Grantmakers Alliance - Stakeholder Assessment Repor…

• I was connected to funders I have not been associated with through GGA, especially in the early part of the pandemic. I’m just trying to learn enough to make informed reports back to my trustees on what’s the thinking going on in the funding world, especially the Georgia funding world, because we’re place-based and that’s what our board members are most focused on. • But we got to move people into action and into advocacy as Mindy mentioned. Into justice and away from charity. That’s my opinion. I just think that’s an opportunity or I aspire that GGA can play that role. • I would say get philanthropy to accept the fact that we’re only using like 20% of our capital and I’m talking all forms of capital. We’re using money, we’re not using influence and relationships. So if we could help people understand how to do that, how it will make us better philanthropists and get better results. • I’m thinking about whether there could be some real, tangible policy change or policy enacted due to GGA’s activity; I think that’s a big aspiration. • I think it understands how policy, public policy, and policy change affect the nonprofits’ work they fund. One of the things, one of the goals that they had before, was educating their participants from a beginner, intermediate, and advanced level, and so I think I haven’t seen that. • There has been an up-and-down commitment to policy and research. I think there was more emphasis on it when I started, but I haven’t seen as much of it now. • I think some programming and things are being done at SECF that they do a great job with. And we should let SECF have those and fund GGA’s niche. • When you look at the philanthropic infrastructure and how many organizations there are out there now, I’ll leave it on this note for me, that adding more infrastructure to Georgia in a form of a membership is not something that I see impactful. • I see a partnership being very valuable for both SECF and Georgia Grantmakers Alliance to make real change. • I think something where we, the funders still have a place to learn and grow as a collective, without, to be a little clumsy collectively. • A lot of times GGA does an amazing job of setting the stage for the problem or the issue and giving you all the information you could ever want about said issue but then it’s like, what happens next? We hang up and we all go back on our different paths but is there an opportunity to then take that knowledge and create an actionable step with the players that are on the call? • To add to that, I simply stated what echoes what everybody else has said, connecting dots where they might otherwise not exist. And those dots could be people, they could be organizations, they could be social issues, they could be geographies.

Increasing Policy and Equity Focus and Impact – 8

Reimagining Philanthropy - 5

SECF Collaboration – 5

Strategic Navigator and Activator - 8

Georgia Grantmakers Alliance // SOAR Analysis & Net Promoter Score


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