Georgia Grantmakers Alliance - Stakeholder Assessment Repor…

• Well, to stay with the SECF relationship and other state associations within SECF’s footprint, I think an indicator of success is the extent to which GGA maximizes its impact for its own footprint while at the same time complimenting the impact of SECF and other state associations. • GGA could do a lot when it comes to a just and equitable Georgia. And so, I think there are complementary pieces here that can really work together to achieve some really great results and some great actions. • I want GGA to becomes a space and philanthropy is a space where elected officials hold philanthropy and regard and as a stakeholder and advisor if you will, that they should go to around key issues as maybe doing or conducting due diligence or committee development around any particular issue because the beauty of this group is that the foundations all cut across a lot of different areas. So whether it’s education, early childhood development, healthcare. There’s a lot of different arenas in which I think we have a lot of power and influence in our intellectual capital. And I would think that one potential aspiration could be to become that go-to entity that folks at that level that are making decisions and formulating policy see this as a group where they can come and that they should come. And we’re influences in what can happen in policy in the State. • So is GGA bringing new funders into the conversation. Who’s attending these meetings? • Data mining of philanthropy dollars to subject matters and some of that might just be grant makers telling you what they’re doing. Not on the public policy side, you could probably start to see whether or not there’s any forward motion on particular legislation that the collective philanthropic community express an opinion on, or a white paper on. • I think encouraging us to be innovative and repurpose ideas, repurpose organizations to do different things perhaps during this time period. Innovation challenging us to think and just numbers if you want to just track who’s participating, are they repeat, are they logging in and all of that participation but challenging us to grow without alienating people and keeping a political show on all the sides but being able to function in an environment and teaching us how to function in an environment no matter who’s the political party in play. • How many of us or which of us have modified or recommended modification for changing our grant-making practices as a result of what we’ve learned through GGA? What changes can we attribute to GGA influx and GGA programming, and GGA relationship building?

Changes in Philanthropic Practice

Strength of Impact of Relationships – 7

Georgia Grantmakers Alliance // SOAR Analysis & Net Promoter Score


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