King's Business - 1959-07

JULY, 1959 25c

Sunday School and the Home by Dale Evans Rogers W h a t Rev iva l R ea lly Means by Vance Havner Preparing Pioneers for New Guinea


tty Life o r tty Death

by Roy Robertson . . . Page 49


History Church Music Christian Education ÂJQÏLS OFFERED IN J.nsIish Missions Psychology Applied Music Bible Art Music Education Education


T h e K i n g ’s B e

READ what Mr. and Mrs. W. say:

A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

\ “Moody Annuities \ aregood ! investments...

S. H. Sutherland, President


Ray A. Myers, Chairm an of the Board

JULY, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Vol. 50, No. 7

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

we’ve been partners with Moody I Bible Institute in the Lord’s work I for more than 20 years—and not | once during all these years has the | Institute ever missed a single pay­ ment—or been late with a check.” J

OUR SECRET WEAPON — Hubert Mitchell .............................. 8 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL AND THE HOME — Dale Evans Rogers .... 10 THE COM ING WORLD DICTATOR — Charles W. Mayes ........... 11 THE CHRIST FOR Y O U — Willis E. Garrett .............. ...... 13 PREPARING PIONEERS FOR NEW GUINEA — Betty Stevens 14 TEENAGERS ON THE M ISSION FIELD — Al Johnson 17 VICTORIOUS LIVING IS FOR YOU — Don Hillis .............. ...... 18 HOW TO CATALOG AUDIO-VISUALS — Arnold Ehlert ....... 22 W H AT REVIVAL REALLY MEANS — Vance Hovner ... ........... 26 YOUNG SAMUEL — Walter L. Wilson ................................... 32 PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SON — Leonard Eilers ........ 34 BY LIFE OR BY DEATH — Roy Robertson 49 wkm EDITORIAL — S. H. Sutherland ................. ... ..................... 6 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ........ 20 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ... ..................... 21 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .... ................ ..... 24 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert .......... .............. ............... 28 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ........ ............ 31 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................. 38 H YMN S YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr .................................... ...... 39 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ................ ... 39 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — J. O. Henry ............................ 40 AUNT BETTY TALKS W ITH TEENAGERS — Betty Bruechert ____ 41 ALUM N I N EW S— Inez McGahey .......................................... 42 GOSPEL BROADCASTING — Al Sanders ...... ........... ............. 46 ACCENT ON YOUTH — Ken Poure ................... .................... 50 (W t Summer vacations are especially for children. This months cover pic­ ture should remind us of the wisdom of reaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it."

A Moody representative pays these long-time annuitants a visit.

Mrs. W. also added: “W e’ve experienced the wonderful satis­ faction and joy, too, that comes from hav­ ing a part in winning the lost for Christ.” DOUBLE DIVIDENDS! In brief, that’s what you’ll enjoy in the M oody Annuity Plan—assurance of a gen­ erous, guaranteed income as long as you live (up to 8Vi% return, depending on your age). Yes, you’ll have peace of mind plus the joy of having a definite share in the Lord’s work. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET which explains the Moody Annuity Plan in detail, including tax benefits. Contains chart showing rates for all ages and describes Moody’s many ministries. CLIP AND MAIL COUPON TODAY Write: Annuity Department M O O D Y BIBLE INSTITUTE Dept. K-9-35-5 8 2 0 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois Please send me, without obligation, information relating to: □ M oody Annuity Plan. □ Wills. Name Age ________ Address _______________________ - C ity __________________ Zone ______ State . . . and that's what we mean by

— All Rights Reserved —

S. H. SU TH ER LAN D : editor JAN E M. C LAR K: circulation m anager

J. RU SSELL ALLD ER: business m anager R A Y FRIESZ: advertising m anager

ED IT O R IA L BO A RD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hayes, James O. Henry, M artha S. Hooker, Al Sanders, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

A D V E R T IS IN G — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. M A N U SC R IP T S — "T h e K in g's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or dam age to m anuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los A n ­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The K in g's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SU BSC R IP T IO N IN F O R M A T IO N — "T he K in g's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $ 1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscriptions 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. R EM IT T A N C ES — Should be mode by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "T h e K in g's Business."


J U L Y , 1 9 5 9

Reader Reaction

LOCAL LIBRARY USES K.B. We take and enjoy the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s magazine so much. I believe it gets better every month. I have found a new avenue of testimony for the KB. Our branch of the public library is willing to put it on their shelves if we donate our copy, which we are going to do this month. Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Gross, Manhattan Bch., Calif. E d it o r ’ s N o t e : Limited numbers of the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s are available for place­ ment in local public libraries as a ministry. Please have your librarian write directly to us for this service. MUSIC COLUMN ENJOYED The K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s magazine means so much to me. I wish every Christian could take it. I am so pleased with Ralph Carmichael’s column. I know what it means to witness with music. I get such a blessing from it, letting my fingers talk on the piano. Mrs. Anna L. Harmes, Huntington Park, Calif. RENEWAL REMINDER APPRECIATED Thanks for reminding me time had come for renewal. I was going to write and tell you how much I enjoy the new magazine. May the Lord bless you as your business blesses us. I enjoy the Bible outlines. These help us study the Bible. Why not start with Genesis and go through the Bible? Mrs. Marlon E. Snell, Marshalltown, Iowa E d it o r ’ s N o t e : A good idea. Perhaps this could be done. We shall prayerfully con­ sider the matter. RENEWS SUBSCRIPTION I thought I couldn’t afford to renew my subscription to the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , but today when my last copy arrived it seems we can’t get on without it. M y husband has given me some of his birthday gift to renew my subscription, so here it is. May He meet all your needs and be glorified through all your activities as you “ occupy” until hie comes. Mrs. Fred H. McKenrick, Clermont, Florida E d it o r ’ s N o t e : The McKendricJcs live at the Africa Inland Mission’s Community for Retired Missionaries. Wouldn’t the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s be the ideal gift for some missionary friend of yours? FIVE-YEAR MEMBER I have been a subscriber to the K ing ’ s B usiness for 30 years, and I look forward to it every month. Your “ Question Box” by Dr. Talbot is the first thing I look for. About five years ago there was a special price on the magazine and so mine runs out in 1960. As I am 76 years old and in very poor health, perhaps I will be in my mansion above by that time. M y magazine goes to two friends of mine when I am through with it, and then their son-in-law, who is a S.S. superintendent gets it next. I thought you would like to know that the

BRINGS BACK MEMORIES Regarding your item in the May issue about previous editors of the K i n g ’ s B u s i ­ n e s s : you listed the first editor as J. H. Sammis. I wonder if your readers are aware that he was the writer of such well- known songs as “ Trust and Obey” ? In the “ early days” my father and Mr. Sammis conducted many gospel meetings together, both at BIOLA and in many other churches and missions . . . particularly street meetings. That was in the days when there were no microphones or loud­ speakers, and my father’s big booming voice came in real handy! Your mention­ ing the name Sammis brought back nostal­ gic memories to me. Phil Kerr, Glendale, Calif. E d it o r ’ s N o t e : We contacted Phil Kerr for any pictures he might have of Mr. Sammis and his father. None were avail­ able. Perhaps some reader might have some. If so, we would appreciate receiving them. M ISSIONARY WRITES Ever since BIOLA days I have enjoyed reading the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , but never so much as recently. The magazine has been filled with articles that have proved to be both inspirational and thought provoking. I can honestly say that I eagerly look for­ ward to each copy that keeps up the ties of my beloved alma mater and serves as a real blessing to my heart and life. I espe­ cially enjoyed “The Vision that Made BIOLA Great.” Miss Joan Collett, Brazil, South America APPRECIATION OF PUBLISHER I just went through the last issue of the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s . I want to compliment you and your entire staff on a most attrac­ tive, appealing magazine. P. J. Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan EDITORIAL STATEMENT FOR AUTHORS The policy of the KING'S ", BUSINESS magazine regard- f ing unsolicited manuscripts, ■I including prose and poetry, !; is to review each one ac- ii |l cording to current ne ed s “ >\ and individual merit. Au- v thors should p a r t i c u l a r l y i d e n t i f y themselves when !; writing as to their church j! affiliation . Please enclose ? a s t amp e d self-addressed • [ envelope if return of mater- !! ial is desired. The KING 'S " B U S I N E S S cannot accept responsibility for l os s , or damage to unsolicited manu­ scripts mailed to us for con- " sideration. ¡> !. i* •

The Bible Institute Hour

C A L 1 F 0 R N 1 A Chico ............. 8:30 A.M. KH SL 1290 kc Fresno (Dinuba) 9:30 A.M. KRDU 1240 kc Lodi ........... 8:30/A.M. KC VR 1570 kc LOS ANG ELES Burbank ...... 8:30 A.M. KB LA 1490 kc Inglewood 8:30 A.M. K T Y M 1460 kc Ontario ... 8:30 A.M. KA SK 1510 kc Tijuana ...... 9:30 A.M. XEM O 860 kc Long Bch. (Dr. Talbot daily) ....... 11:00 A.M. KGER 1390 kc Marysville (Yuba City).... 8:30 A.M. K M Y C 1410 kc Napa .............. 9:30 A.M. KV O N 1440 kc Oakland ........... 9:30 A.M. KW BR 1310 kc Oxnard (Ventura Sta. Bbra.) .... 8:30 A.M. K O XR 910 kc Redding .......... 8:30 A.M. K V C V 600 kc Santa Cruz ..... 8:30 A.M. KSCO 1080 kc San Diego ...... 9:30 A.M. XEM O 860 kc San Francisco ... 8:30 A.M. KEAR-FM 97.3 me 9:30 A.M. KW BR 1310 kc 9:00 P.M. KGO 810 kc Turlock ........... 8:30 A.M. KTU R 1390 kc W asco .............. 8:30 A.M. KW SO 1050 kc (Dr. Talbot daily) ........ 9:30 A.M . KW SO 1050 kc

O R E G O N 8:30 A.M. K W IL

Albany ............

790 kc

Coquille (Coos Bay) ... 8:30 A.M. KW RO 630 kc Eugene ............. 8:00 A.M. KASH 1600 kc Forest Grove ... 8:30 A.M. KRW C 1570 kc Portland ........... 2:00 Noon KPDQ 800 kc Salem .............. 8:30 A.M. KSLM 1390 kc


Bellingham (Sun. only) ... 3:00 P.M. KPUG 1170 kc Chehalis (Centralia) .... 8:30 A.M. K ELA 1470 kc Seattle ............. 9:30 P.M. KIRO 710 kc (Tu., Th., Sat.) 1:00 A.M. KGDN 630 kc Spokane ........... 8:30 A.M. KPEG 1380 kc Tacoma ........... 8:30 A.M. KTAC 850 kc W alla W alla .... 8:00 A.M. KTEL 1490 kc

0 T H E R S T A T E S Pueblo, Colorado 8:30 A.M. KFEL

970 kc

Belgrade, M ontana ..... *. 8:00 A.M. KGVW 630 kc Honolulu, Hawaii 7:30 A.M. K A IM 870 kc

Help keep the Gospel on the air . . . till Christ conies for us in the air! BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR LOS ANGELES 17, CALIF.

magazine is doing a good work. M iss Bess L. McKelvey, Wexford, Pa.



^ e A c f t d à i e “?£>. S * . S c e n e This month a number of features highlight the pages of the K i n g ’ s B u s i ­

FOR YOUR LIFETIME!... If you are interested in security and peace of mind . . . an assured, generous income for life . . . plus a share in training young people for fruitful, Christian lives and service — you’ll be interested in the Wheaton College Annuity Investment Plan. It was designed to satisfy these needs. Write

n e s s . One of the most challenging ar­ ticles we’ve ever printed “ By Life or by Death” , tells of the sudden home­ going of Mrs. Roy Robertson, wife of orient N a v i g a t o r leader Roy Robert­ son. What does death mean to a home of


today for the fr e e booklet, Pleasant Tomorrows , explaining the plan.


Dept. K-79

W heaton, Illinois Please send me a copy of Pleasant Tomor­ rows, booklet explaining Annuity Plan in detail. Name ____________________________ Age ----------- Address - . .. . ..... ......... City ________________ Zone ___ State __________

busy Christian service, and to three little children? Every Christian should read this timely and inspiring article. Roy Robertson Missing from the growing number of columns in the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s is “Making Melody” by Ralph Carmichael. This past month, Ralph has been with the Bob Pierce during the Osaka, Japan Evangelistic Crusade. Ralph writes:

Please mention THE K ING 'S BUSINESS when writing to the advertisers in the magazine Biola School of Missionary Medicine Training W ith Purpose diversified > accelerated > accredited sr

Dentistry Four-month course. Ap­ proved by State of Califor­ nia Board of Dental Exam­ iners, Department of Voca­ tional and Professional Standards. Offered in one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and lab­ oratory work. Classes start in January.

Nursing Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, labora­ tory and hospital instruc­ tions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board Ex­ amination and obtain the LV . N degree. Classes start in Septem­ ber and January.

“ Greetings from Osaka, Japan. It is my privilege to be directing the music for the Osaka Christian Crusade with Dr. Bob Pierce and the World Vision team. The Crusade is being held in Festival Hall at the invitation of 400 Protestant churches in the Osaka area. There are four choirs of 600 voices each that started rehearsing eight weeks prior to the meetings (2400 voices in all), and we are using the 75- piece Kyoto symphony each night. Next month we will resume our regular column topics.” LAST MONTH 'S COVER

All courses are open to: Christian missionaries, pros­ pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical care-

Dispensary Four-month course. Gives training in laboratory anal­ ysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to set up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently with com­ mon ailments. Classes start in January. Biola School of MISSIONARY MEDICINE a school of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hopo St./ Los Angeles 17, Calif.

Mrs. Janiece Talbert, secretary to Biola vice-president A1 Sanders, tries on wedding veil during photography for June K in g ’ s B u s in e s s cover. Miss Peggy McReynolds, another Biola secretary and the bride, has since become Mrs. Jim Gilleran. Gown and veil was furnished through the courtesy of J. W . Robinson’s Department Stores. Photography by the Alpha Omega Pro­ ductions.

JULY, 1959


Editorial :

I t 9s Still A L ive Issu e ! Seven years ago (September, 1952), the Revised Standard Version of the Bible first made its appearance in complete form, including both the Old and New Testaments. Since that time, much has been written concerning this translation. The significant omissions of words and phrases and slanted translations of other p a s s a g e s all reveal the manifest effort on the part of the translators to present the Lord Jesus Christ as something less than God manifest in the flesh. These have been discussed quite thoroughly, writ­ ten about, and documented upon numerous occasions and in numerous articles.

th e r e ’s L IFE in the A IR . . .


lg g

. . . here in the Hawaiian Islands there grows a remarkable little plant which receives its sustenance entire­ ly from the air . . . . . . and likewise, countless thou­ sands in the Islands are receiving their spiritual sustenance from the air . . . . . . on Hawaii’s only missionary stations . . . K A IM and K A IM -FM ■ . . the outlets of The Hawaii Christian Broadcasting Association AND . . . we’d like to send you one of these AIR PLANTS . . . right from Hawaii . . . FREE . . . . . . yes, just pin it to a curtain . . . and watch it put out its shoots from each tiny "eye” . . . . . . and let it serve as a reminder of the unique "air ministry” of K A IM and K A IM -FM

Of course, this new translation was wel­ comed unanimously by all modernists and theological liberals within the denomi­ nations simply because it presents the same "low view" of the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ which they t h e m ­ selves preach from their pulpits and in their writings. Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Director of Talbot Theological Seminary who is without a peer as an Old Testament scholar, makes the following statement after a t h o r o u g h study of the Revised Standard Version; "It cannot be denied with any show of reason that the RSV has a

Dr. S. H. Sutherland President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

decided liberal bias. It departs from the traditional ren­ derings in important prophetic and Messianic passages, and in the New Testament as well."* It is extremely difficult to understand why so-called o r t h o d o x men should choose to use this translation in articles and books which they produce, especially in view of the fact that there are other translations which are available and about which there is no question whatever. One's claim to being orthodox is definitely clouded by his persistent use of the Revised Standard Version. It is unfortunate that so little is said today by way of warning against this translation. When it first appeared, much was written. But it seems the issue has been neglected within the last few years. Certainly the proponents of the "new" translation are continuing to herald it, as are the publishers, so that the Christian public today is being urged continually to buy and read the RSV. Since the wave of criticism against it has died down to a large extent, doubtless there have been many people who have become in­ terested in spiritual things. It must be assumed that many of these have been misguided into t h i n k i n g this is an acceptable translation. Furthermore, many thousands of young people have grown up since the translation first ap­ peared who have not had opportunity of hearing and studying the criticisms which have been presented against it. An editorial is not the place to present reasons for condemning the RSV. Such articles may be readily obtained from evangelical book stores throughout the country. But, as long as the translation is on the market warnings con­ cerning it must be presented periodically to the Christian public. *The Revised Standard Version: What Kind of Translation? Obtainable at the BIOLA Book Store at 10c per copy; $7.50 per hundred.

Mail coupon today to: KAIM — Box 375 — Honolulu T.H.

Please send my FREE air plant to:






□ I would like further information about Hawaii Christian Broad­ casting Association.



Mr. Bill Jones, outstanding Los An­ geles Christian business man well known for his generous hosting of banquets for various evangelical or­ ganizations, continued his outreach of the gospel with similar gatherings in five Japanese cities. The meetings led the opening of the Osaka Campaign.

Dr. Ted W. Engstrom, president of Youth for Christ International has announced that YFCI will hold a three-week conference at the Mara- natha Bible Conference G r o u n d s starting August 17. The group’s 11th World Congress will convene in Mex­ ico City August 2.

Dr. Harry McCormick Lintz, director of the Victory Crusade Evangelistic Association, received an honorary doctor of literature degree from Bur­ ton College and Seminary, Manitou Springs, Colorado. Zondervan Pub­ lishing House recently released Dr. Lintz’ new book, “ Strength for Each Day.” Dean Donald Douglas looks on as Dr. Fred E. Slemme, president, makes presentation. Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., president of Bob Jones University, has received another award for his school’s film production “ The Flying Angel.” The award was for the best promotional film of 1958 and was presented by the Christian Youth Cinema. Dr. Oswald J. Smith, founder of the Peoples Church of Toronto, Canada, has announced that on the closing Sunday of the church’s annual mis­ sionary convention several weeks ago, $331,000 was raised for the spreading of the Gospel. This was the largest amount given in the 30 year history of the missionary minded congrega­ tion. Dr. Smith and his wife are now in Europe ministering in Finland, Sweden, and England. Dr. Sherwood E.

raised by students of Culter to buy Bibles for Argentina. Others pictured are Paul Harry, student body presi­ dent and Ruth Amster, fund-raising chairman. Mr. Kenneth C. Koch, an I l l i n o i s automobile dealer and trucking firm head, has been appointed to the board of trustees of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Mr. Koch is a former student of MBI. Dr. Oliver William Hasselblad has been appointed president of the American Leprosy Missions, Inc., according to an announcement made by the Board of Directors. The new president was a former medical missionary in India. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, has announced seven major pastors’ conferences for thousands of national ministers in six key countries of the Far East. The meetings will be held in various countries from July 7 through September 26. American leaders participating will include Dr. Richard Halverson, Dr. Paul S. Rees, and Dr. Carl F. H. Henry. Mr. Alfred A. Kunz, international di­ rector of the P o c k e t T e s t am e n t League, has announced the release of “ Breath of Freedom,” a new produc­ tion by the organization. Mr. George M. Cowan, president of the Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc., has announced plans for the Silver Jubilee celebration of the organiza­ tion to be launched September 15.

Dr. John Blanchard, president of Cul- ter Academy in Los Angeles, presents a check for $400.00 to Dr. Don Hillis, Latin American field secretary for Orient Crusades. The money was Miss Cynthia Pearl Maus, author, has completed a special work for Harper and Brothers, Publishers in a new edition of “ Christ and the Fine Arts.” The famous picture below, “ Christ Blessing- the Children,” long attrib­ uted to Rembrandt, was recently dis­ covered to be the work of Nicolas Maes. First published in 1938, the book has sold nearly 300,000 copies.

Wirt, formerly a* newspaper man and more recent­ ly an Oakland, California p a s ­ tor, has been se lected as editor of “World Evan­ gelism,” a new p u b l i c a t i o n s c h e d u l e d for

Mr. Wirt

first release in late fall. The tabloid size periodical will be produced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Asso­ ciation with George M. Wilson as man­ aging editor. Mr. Wirt wrote the recent book “ Crusade at the Golden Gate.” Dr. Raymond S. Bach, director of Pub­ lic Relations of the Midwest Bible and Missionary Institute, has an­ nounced a decision of the school’s board of directors to change the name to the Midwest Bible College. The institution is located in St. Louis, Mo.

JULY, 1959


A f e w well-placed “H” bombs dropped on our fair land would liquidate the whole fabric of our so- called greatness. Then what? . . . Back to the stone age? . . . Back to the horse and buggy era? . . . And then start all over again? Doesn’t make sense, does it? Time is run­ ning out. Everyone realizes that. It is the scientists and not the preachers who have pictured our cities being wiped out and our nation obliterated in a moment of time. As someone has said, “We have learned to fly like birds and now we will have to learn to dig and burrow like moles.” W ill God spare our nation and give us another chance? The church is primarily a house of prayer (Isaiah 56: 7). After all is said and done, we spend very little time in actual prayer in our churches. Since coming back to the U.S.A. from the mission field, I am appalled at the terrific let-down in our prayer program. This great min­ istry of God’s people is the driving force in the Korean and African churches and yet in America, social func­ tions, parties, contests, campaigns and banquets seem to be the important items on the church calendar. How can we go along like this indefinitely? Our homes are breaking up. Our nation is going the way of all flesh. We know that defeat in the home spells disaster in the nation. Our young people are floundering. They are playing the game of life with all stops out. There is only one way out of this impending holocaust. . . . prayer! When I was a missionary in India we had to call for nights of prayer for our national workers and preachers. The powers of darkness beat in upon us and forced us to our knees. Again and again we were besieged by fanatical Hindu Communists in Calcutta. At times we had to run for our lives. Only by nights of prayer and intercession were we able to withstand the powers of darkness in heathen lands. Those same powers are becom­ ing more and more rampant in our own United States of America. The spirit of violence and uncleanness is sweep­ ing across the nation. Immorality is stalking through the land like a great giant on the loose. Unless we humble ourselves and really see God with strong cryings and tears (Hebrews 5:7) and intercessions and supplications (I Timothy 2:1), there is no hope! Ordinary, short, cold and formal praying will not break through the Satanic atmosphere that surrounds us. Remember, “we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12). Remember, also, that the Devil has stepped-up his program (Revelation 12:12) — “Woe to The U.S. Army's Jupiter Missile stands in the gantry servicing crane prior to launching. Exhaustive tests on the IRBM continue after the crane is moved away. — Official U.S. Army photo


By Hubert Mitchell

the inhabitors of the earth and of the sea, for the Devil is come down to you, having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” Dare we slow up or taper off in our praying now? God forbid! See Romans 13:11, “ And that, knowing the time, that it is high time to wake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed.” And again, Hebrews 10:25, “ Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves to­ gether, as the manner of some is; but exhort (encourage) one another AND SO MUCH THE MORE AS YE SEE THE DAY APPROACHING.” The end of the race is always the most important. Every sign of the times points to this one thing. W e are at the end of the age. It has to be a stepped-up program. Nights of prayer will build courage into the whole fabric of the church. The weakest members will be emboldened to speak for Christ. If we seek the Lord — we shall seek the lost. The spirit of humility and gentleness will begin

to infiltrate the church. A holy awe will come upon the people. One night of prayer a week is not too much. It will make the whole church prayer-conscious. The neighbors in the city will soon begin to realize that the church means business. PASTORS, EVANGELISTS, MIS­ SIONARIES AND ALL CHRISTIAN LEADERS EVERY­ WHERE . . . this is a forthright call to you . . . from one desperate heart to another. Let us launch out and chal­ lenge our people. Let us lead them as well as feed them. Let us make Wednesday night or any other night in the week a NIGHT OF PRAYER. Gather the people at 10 p.m. and stay through until the break of day. List the unsaved families in your neighborhoods. Pray for them by name. Level a barrage of prayer in the direction of the unsaved, drunken, unfaithful, indifferent husbands and fathers. Be definite with God and He will be definite with you. The Godless men of this nation are the prime delinquents of the land. No wonder wives and mothers are breaking. No wonder our children are “ ganging up” on society. Our disintegrating family life is now plung­ ing our nation deeper and deeper into shame and inter­ national embarrassment. It is no secret any. longer •— the awful truth is out. We must face it, Christians. The elements of destruction are all about us. The sighs and cries of frustrated humanity penetrate and break in upon us from everywhere. I have seen scores of Indian Chris­ tians stay up every Saturday night, the whole night through, for eight solid weeks. Missionaries led the way. I know some people in Chicago who pray two full nights a week, regularly. There may be some reading this article who'w ill say: “Why be so fanatical about this business of prayer? It is just another spurt of excitement, and will soon taper off and die down.” Yes, carnal Christians will oppose this sacrificial ministry. They will not only absent themselves from nights of prayer but they will keep others from coming. True, there is no glamor, no lime­ light, and no human glory within the framework of this warfare. I am quite convinced that carnal Christians are a greater hindrance to revival than outright sinners. Brother, this is labor, and I mean labor. (I Thessalonians 3:10). Tears, sweat, groanings and oftentimes agony! It is all part of knowing Christ in the fellowship of His suf­ ferings. Jesus was a champion of night praying. Read through the four Gospels and note how the Captain of our salva­ tion, made perfect through sufferings, prayed and prayed, and that’s not all. “He ever liveth to make intercession for us.” . (Hebrews 7:25). Right now . . . tonight . . . to­ morrow . . . tweiity-four hours around the clock He will be praying. GOD HELP YOU . . . GOD HELP ME . . . GOD HELP ALL OF US . . . TO PRAY!

Rev. Mitchell is director of the Greater Chicago Prayer Meetings and other inter-church ministries.

J U L Y , 1 9 5 9


The Sunday School and the Home

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tory, we find that learning originated with the church and that to begin with there were no schools except church schools. Since church and state are separate in our country and since there is no biblical training as doctrine or creed of life, the church must bend every effort to make our Sunday schools every whit as strong, if not stronger, than our secular schools. I say this because if a child has no spiritual schooling and only grows up with secular schooling, how can he handle the atomic bomb? True wisdom is of God, and it is a sad commentary that America, known as a Christian nation, forbids even the simplest prayer in our secular schools. How could there be a problem with the Ten Commandments . . . cer­ tainly the laws of our land are based on them, as our Constitution is based on Christian principles by men who possessed an abiding faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Christian way of life. This is why we have freedom in America! May God burn this fact into our hearts! The earliest picture I can remember as a child is a picture of Jesus surrounded by little children, which hung in the little Baptist church at Italy, Tex., where I first attended Sunday school. No matter what the stress might be during the week, somehow when I meet my children to take them home after Sunday school and church, we are all at peace and renewed for the week to come, looking forward to the privilege of serving the Lord in our daily lives and putting into practice the things we have all learned in Sunday school. May God bless our Sunday schools in a wonderful way throughout the weeks and months to come.

T h e Christian Sunday school is of vital importance to the home. The Bible says, “ Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” My mother pondered these words in her heart and believed them. She took my brother and me to Sunday school from the time we were mere babes, and we were “ trained up” in the Christian way of life. At the age of 10, during a revival, I asked the Lord Jesus to be my Saviour, but unfortunately did not own Him as Lord of my life. As a result, I strayed from the fold for many years. Nevertheless, my eyes kept looking toward the church and from time to time I would be drawn toward the place of my early spiritual training. God rewarded my mother’s faith in God’s promise in the 22nd chapter of Proverbs, and 10 years ago, like the prodigal son, I “ came to myself’ and returned to my Father, Who forgave and accepted me. Since surrender­ ing my heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ, I have truly found life abundant and glorious! On the other hand, my son Tom, was also trained up in the way he should go and paradoxically he, too, accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour at age 10, though in a wonderful, full commitment of his life. As a result, he has been an outstanding example of what Sunday school training can do toward keeping a child on the Christian path right up to manhood. It is a wonderful thing for children to look forward to the Lord’s Day with pleasure, knowing that they will leam more about the Master in company with others of their own age group. I feel that spiritual schooling is the most important schooling of life. Looking back into his­



KING#S BUSINESS PROPHECY SECTION Ed ited b y D r. Charles E. E einberg D ir ec to r of the Ta lbot Theologica l Sem inary

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By Charles W. Mayes, D.D.

A w o r l d government is coming. Those who have be­ lieved the old Book knew that long before the United Nations was ever bom. In due time over that coming world government, the most powerful, Satanic- inspired potentate of all human history will rule. The information concerning this fact comes not from human reason but from divine revelation. God’s Word clearly reveals that for a short time this coming rulership will be global and sovereign over all nations of the earth. At least three outstanding reasons are discovered in the Scriptures as to how this world ruler will climb to his place of complete world domination. I. The coming world dictator will arrive at world control through his superior knowledge. In this respect he may be contrasted with others who have likewise aspired to conquer the world. These very differences will cause his program of mighty conquest to outshine and eclipse any similar previous attempt. This superior knowledge will make him a surreptitious human manipulator. In describing his relentless char­ acter Daniel tells us that he “ shall do according to his will. He shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall mag­ nify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and p l e a s a n t t h i n g s ” (Dan. 11:36-38). This description could not fit any ordinary man be he general, king, or political leader. The very fact that he honours the god of forces indicates that he will have a compre­ hensive understanding of the laws of the physical uni­ verse, such as atomic energy, principles of political intrigue, and the techniques of psychology, all of which will enable him to demand and secure the allegiance of the multitudes. We now face the fact that just as products advertised in newspapers or by radio and television must have glamour to compete with price competition, so there is even now said to be glamour in politics. No leader, it seems, can climb to the top unless he has command of some “ hopped-up” treatment for mass consumption. Even though psychologists and public relations men do their best by every inner-directed method possible, their accomplishments are nothing as compared to the unspeak­ able glamour with which this world character will be able to sell himself. The coming world ruler will be a great orator. In order to carry out this description wherein he “magnifies him­ self above all,” he will of necessity be required to use the

medium of radio, television, and every other possible contact in selling himself to the multitudes. No leader could ever succeed to “ speak marvelous things against the God of gods” unless he could command the respect of the multitudes with his speechmaking. A prominent English teacher who could not understand a word of German complimented Adolf Hitler on his ability to sway the multitudes with his oratory. The world figure will “ out- Hitler Hitler” beyond any place of comparison. The world ruler, certain to come, must be a philosopher of note. If in the processes of his world-wide political successes he is able to “magnify himself above every god,” he will need to be acquainted with every philosophy, every political, social, and governmental viewpoint as well as every religious and educational theory known to man. The prophet Daniel comes to our help in explain­ ing this aspect of his character by telling us that he shall be “ a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences.” Couched behind these words we may discover the fact that the political promises and supposed solutions to earthly problems previously advocated by other leaders will be completely overshadowed by this man’s superior Satan-inspired theories, fantastic panaceas, and glowing promises. He will be a crafty diplomat and a glamorous states^ man. If “ he shall magnify himself above all” then he must be more than a Kaiser, more than a Hitler, more than a Stalin, or any other aspirant for world domination. Using the scientific selection of psychological appeals, his

Dr. Charles W . Mayes is pastor of the First Brethren Church of Long Beach, Calif. His ministry o f th e W ord of God has been greatly blessed of the Lord through many avenues of service.

JULY, 1959


appearance over radio and television will bring the world to his feet. By planned repetition of push slogans loaded with great power, his rich voice and excellent diction coupled with the ability to look sincerely into the eyes of the millions beyond the television cameras will literal­ ly hypnotize the multitudes. No previous fireside chats could be weighed in international influence against his. He must be an industrialist. It is through his wisdom that he not only taps the hidden powers of physical, psychological, and demoniac forces, but he is able to cause craft and industry to prosper under his hand (Dan. 8:25). If there is any problem with labor, he will solve it. If there is any problem with capital, he will solve it. As previous dictators have said, “ I am the State,” he also can say “ I am the world state, labor, capital, society, government itself!” It is well known that at times of political, industrial, or social emergencies, the masses have turned to one man to save them from collapse. The coming world dictator will be just such a saviour. He will be a suave destructionist. Our generation has learned a new term — brainwashing. But no brainwasher ever operated with the multitudes as this dictator will operate. We are learning also in our day that talk about peace does not necessarily mean peace. This world ruler with his superior wisdom will know how to propagandize the world so that “ by peace he shall destroy many” (Dan. 8:25). The similar term “he shall destroy wonder­ fully” (Dan. 8:25) indicates that his destruction shall be so fearful that the whole world will be terrorized at his least command. His destruction will probably not be seen in the physical realm for the 18th chapter of Revelation indicates that under his rule the greatest civilization, the wealthiest and most carefully planned economy of all time will be set up. The coming global ruler will be the world’s most stunning personality with an appearance that will out­ shine every world figure of any previous day. “His power shall be mighty . . . he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes” (Dan. 8:23, 25). As the king of fierce countenance, he will oppose every vestige of divine reve­ lation and Biblical truth which stands in his way. He shall wear out the (tribulation) saints of the most High (Dan. 7:25). He shall make war with these saints and establish a law that no man can buy or sell without his approval (Rev. 13:16, 17). The apostle Paul describes this world figure by calling him “ the man of sin . . . the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God” (2 Thess. 2:4). As sovereign world ruler he will continue but for a short time, making a decree that all the saints of that time (the tribulation saints) shall be slain unless they fall down and worship him (Rev. 13:15). He will combine with all these previous superiorities his ability as a great military genius. It is said of him, “ The king shall do according to his w ill; and he shall exalt himself . . . and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished” (Dan. 11:36). That indignation is the awful day in the great tribulation when God for a short time will allow the world ruler in his Satan-inspired conceit to fulfill the natural consequences of generation after generation of men who have said in word or in act, “We will not have this man (Christ) to reign over us.” Our Lord warned of this coming day when He said, “ I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive” (John 5:43). This is a prophecy, not an opinion. The false messiah, saviour and king moving under disguised deceit will force his way upon the gullible masses of both unbelieving Jews and Gentiles. The antichrist spirit operating through Russian communism has taught us how the world dictator 12

may well “ destroy the mighty and the holy people.” As the military powers of Russia have been used to enforce slave labor, regiment society, and expel the insubordinates to Siberia, so the military might of the beast to come will be used to hold all rebels in subjection. II. Furthermore, the coming world dictator will arrive at world control by conquest. The 11th chapter of Daniel gives the story of the conquest of this beast ruler. The powers of the earth, whether they be the king of the north, king of the south, the kings of the east, or any other military power will find themselves totally unable to stand before his mighty conquest. It is perfectly clear that his dominion will reach to the uttermost part of the earth since John tells us: “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to over­ come them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations ” (Rev. 13:6,7). It seems from the 38th chapter of Ezekiel that when the mighty king of the north known as Rosh finally battles against Israel, S side of the ship, and ye shall find.” | H ow many millions, alien to grace, W ill pass into a lost eternity, s The while we fish in the accustomed place! s I W h ile countlessnumbers perish — for whose 1 < sakes < \ The Saviour died. Give them the W ord of \ | God! > “ For God so loved the world.” Not just the few j | W h o b y good fortune have the chance to hear, s s In quiet church and comfortable pew, ? | The Story, week by week and year by year, j s Christ’s great commission is the simple call, 1 1 “ Go ye.” The gospel is for all, for all. s God may allow this world dictator to frustrate and break the king of the north for God tells us, “ And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man’s sword shall be against his brother” (Ezekiel 38:21). Let us not think that this world ruler is any ordinary military genius. His power is not his own, neither is it military alone, neither is it scientific alone, nor alone political. For with the combi­ nation of all these dynamics we have the additional fact that “ the dragon (the devil) gave him his power, his seat (throne), and great authority” (Rev. 13:2). God’s Word also makes it clear that although this world ruler will have a world wide scope, he will only last for a short time for power will be “ given unto him to continue forty and two months” (Rev. 13:5). III. The coming world dictator will arrive at world control by gifts. A remarkable principle is revealed when we discover from the Scriptures that the hitherto sov­ ereign nations of the earth are to be brought to one mind “ and shall give their power and strength unto the beast” (Rev. 17:13). This is a startling revelation. It seems to parallel the truths set forth in Luke 21 showing that the frenzied nations will some time come to the place where they are in total perplexity, that is, they are with “ no THE K IN G 'S BU SINESS — John 21:6 | j | < | | Launch out, launch out into the farther sea! s | The oft-repeated message scarcely wakes The lazy listeners, who doze and nod j < > Go Y e Into All the World j ? > Helen Frazee-Bower S “And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right ?

zations within our society become more and more power­ ful, our nation moves inevitably in the direction of dictatorship. Today individuals may do exactly what the nations will do in the days of the coming of the world ruler. They can “ give their power and strength unto the beast” (Rev. 17:13). We are living in a day when the prophetic message of the Word of God is more timely than ever before. Christians should understand that al­ though we cannot stop this world government avalanche nor the world ruler, we can use our influence to delay these as long as possible. Christians need to know the plan of God in the unfolding of time, in order that we ourselves may not be drawn into a defeated complacency or mere religious gymnastics which in the end will be only wood, hay, and stubble in the day when our Lord passes out the rewards. Christians should see the hand of God in preserving the liberty which we still have in our present day. It is a special providence of God that we may preach the Gospel, teach the Word, establish our children in the faith, and adjust our goals in life to what the Bible calls the blessed hope. It is definitely not in the providence of God for the church to convert the world to Christianity. We are to call individuals out of the world and to Christ. Success as a manipulator of men and as a military genius, and finding himself at the head of Gentile dominion, the coming Satanic-inspired world ruler will come face to face with the risen, ascended and returning Son of God when He comes back in glory to establish His kingdom. This will mean eternal doom for the world ruler and eternal glory for the Son of God. It will also mean that when Satan’s kingdom shall have been de­ stroyed, Christ’s kingdom will be established.

way out” by themselves. In sheer desperation, and the desire for preservation, the frustrated nations will turn their power over to the world ruler. He will be universal­ ly admired and even worshipped (Rev. 13:12). He will far surpass every would-be ruler for in the vision John saw “ there was given unto him (by Satan) a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies” (Rev. 13:5). Being a military genius, however, the greatest of the competing generals will be compelled to conclude, “Who is able to make war with him?” (Rev. 13:4). This absurd principle of surrendering power and authority of a na­ tion to a higher ruler is being ingloriously illustrated in the present delusive world program. We see this in the surrendering of sovereign nations to the control and authority of the dubious United Nations. A similar principle is seen in our own United States of America where the federal government seems to be ever increasing in its power and avenues of operation with a lesser im­ portance laid upon what we call states’ rights. The principle is further found demonstrated as individuals go to the polls to vote, casting their ballots to curtail then- own personal liberties and surrender such blood-bought liberties to some powerful organization or movement. If one checks the pre-election propaganda year by year over a generation, it can easily be seen that individuals voluntarily surrender their own inalienable rights. We are now seeing issues decided, not upon the basis of the logic of careful debate, but upon the frequency of some carefully chosen slogan. If leaders are successful in man­ ufacturing the proper catchy slogan, phrase, song, or spot announcement, the voters moved by emotion will vote without thinking through the consequences which are certain to come a generation or so later. As great organi­

The Christ for You / by


feeding, protecting, knowing, loving, and providing for each sheep whom His blood has purchased. He is the Resurrection and the Life, bestowing life and radiant hope upon all who come to Him in faith. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, giving access to the one true and living God who is the Source and Sustainer of Life. He is the Door by which wayward man may enter heaven and find the divine portion the Father has pre­ pared for him to enjoy throughout the everlasting ages to come. He is the Bread of Life, feeding and nourishing the soul of the man who avails himself of His bounties. He is the true Vine, the conveyor of the life stream, without which man is dead and fruitless. He is the Light of the world, shin­ ing upon those who walk in dark­ ness and dwell in the shadow of death. He is the Creator of the vast uni­ verse and the Re-creator of human lives broken and distorted by sin. He is the Lamb of God, offered upon the altar of Calvary to take away the sin of the world. He is the quintessence of holiness, purity, righteousness and love. There is nothing good, nothing enduring,

“ For in Him dwelleth all the fu l­ ness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him . . .” .—Colossians 2:9,10 The “fulness of the Godhead” — what a bewildering phrase! Only eternity will reveal its true depths. Now we know in part and under­ stand but dimly the marvelous riches it embraces; but in that day when we shall know even as we are known we shall be able to plumb its fathom­ less depths, though eternity itself can never exhaust its treasures. While it is true that we mortal beings are not capable in this life of coming into a complete under­ standing of the fulness of Christ, yet it is equally true that, with the en­ lightening aid of the Holy Spirit, we can come to possess a saving and satisfying knowledge of Him who is the altogether Lovely One, the Fair­ est among ten thousand. To us who believe He is precious, unspeakably precious, and though we have not seen Him with the physical eye we love Him and rejoice in Him with a joy that is full and glorified. The versatility of the Lord Jesus Christ is amazing. He is the Good Shepherd, giving His life to redeem us lost sheep;

Rev. Garrett is Pastor of the Miami Beach Independent Presbyterian Church. nothing worthwhile outside of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the personi­ fication of all the marvelous attri­ butes of God the Father. Everything your soul needs for time and eternity is in Him. He is the Christ for you. W ill you do without Him? You need not deny yourself these match­ less blessings, for He came into the world to save sinners and lavish upon them His gifts of love. “ He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).


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