King's Business - 1959-07

KING#S BUSINESS PROPHECY SECTION Ed ited b y D r. Charles E. E einberg D ir ec to r of the Ta lbot Theologica l Sem inary

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By Charles W. Mayes, D.D.

A w o r l d government is coming. Those who have be­ lieved the old Book knew that long before the United Nations was ever bom. In due time over that coming world government, the most powerful, Satanic- inspired potentate of all human history will rule. The information concerning this fact comes not from human reason but from divine revelation. God’s Word clearly reveals that for a short time this coming rulership will be global and sovereign over all nations of the earth. At least three outstanding reasons are discovered in the Scriptures as to how this world ruler will climb to his place of complete world domination. I. The coming world dictator will arrive at world control through his superior knowledge. In this respect he may be contrasted with others who have likewise aspired to conquer the world. These very differences will cause his program of mighty conquest to outshine and eclipse any similar previous attempt. This superior knowledge will make him a surreptitious human manipulator. In describing his relentless char­ acter Daniel tells us that he “ shall do according to his will. He shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall mag­ nify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and p l e a s a n t t h i n g s ” (Dan. 11:36-38). This description could not fit any ordinary man be he general, king, or political leader. The very fact that he honours the god of forces indicates that he will have a compre­ hensive understanding of the laws of the physical uni­ verse, such as atomic energy, principles of political intrigue, and the techniques of psychology, all of which will enable him to demand and secure the allegiance of the multitudes. We now face the fact that just as products advertised in newspapers or by radio and television must have glamour to compete with price competition, so there is even now said to be glamour in politics. No leader, it seems, can climb to the top unless he has command of some “ hopped-up” treatment for mass consumption. Even though psychologists and public relations men do their best by every inner-directed method possible, their accomplishments are nothing as compared to the unspeak­ able glamour with which this world character will be able to sell himself. The coming world ruler will be a great orator. In order to carry out this description wherein he “magnifies him­ self above all,” he will of necessity be required to use the

medium of radio, television, and every other possible contact in selling himself to the multitudes. No leader could ever succeed to “ speak marvelous things against the God of gods” unless he could command the respect of the multitudes with his speechmaking. A prominent English teacher who could not understand a word of German complimented Adolf Hitler on his ability to sway the multitudes with his oratory. The world figure will “ out- Hitler Hitler” beyond any place of comparison. The world ruler, certain to come, must be a philosopher of note. If in the processes of his world-wide political successes he is able to “magnify himself above every god,” he will need to be acquainted with every philosophy, every political, social, and governmental viewpoint as well as every religious and educational theory known to man. The prophet Daniel comes to our help in explain­ ing this aspect of his character by telling us that he shall be “ a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences.” Couched behind these words we may discover the fact that the political promises and supposed solutions to earthly problems previously advocated by other leaders will be completely overshadowed by this man’s superior Satan-inspired theories, fantastic panaceas, and glowing promises. He will be a crafty diplomat and a glamorous states^ man. If “ he shall magnify himself above all” then he must be more than a Kaiser, more than a Hitler, more than a Stalin, or any other aspirant for world domination. Using the scientific selection of psychological appeals, his

Dr. Charles W . Mayes is pastor of the First Brethren Church of Long Beach, Calif. His ministry o f th e W ord of God has been greatly blessed of the Lord through many avenues of service.

JULY, 1959


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