King's Business - 1959-07


IF THERE WERE ONLY •P\ IN HUMAN NEED ;— but there isn't.


the PROMISES. For while we speak to God in prayer, He speaks to us through His own Word. In II Pet. 1:4, we read, “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious prom­ ises.” How many of the precious promises from the Word of God can you recite? We need to hide God’s Word in our hearts “that we might not sin against Him.” (See Ps. 119:9, 11 ). We will let the fifth sweet “ P” tell us of PRAISE. What a lovely sweet “ P” this one is! In Psalm 50:23 we read, “ W h o s o e v e r offereth praise glorifieth me.” There are so many verses in the Bible concerning praise and thanksgiving. If anyone should be thankful and have praise contin­ ually in his heart and on his lips, it is the Christian. “ The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad.” “ Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised” (see also Ps. 34:3; I Thess. 5:16,18). The sixth sweet “ P” stands for PURITY, a sweet “ P” that every Christian boy and girl and young person should desire. In I Timothy 4:12, Paul writes these words to young Timothy, “ Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believer . . . in purity.” In Phil. 4:8 we are told “ whatsoever things are . . . pure . . . t h i nk on t he s e things,” and in I Tim. 5:22b we read, “ Keep thy self pure.” Truly this sweet “ P” presents a real challenge to young people today! “ P” also is the first letter in the word POWER. This is our next sweet “ P.” We all need His power to enable us to make all these lovely Bible sweet “ P’s” a reality in our lives. And this power He has provided through His blessed H o l y S p i r i t which indwells every believer. Our last two sweet “ P’s” are twins; that is, they are found in the same verse of Scripture, they belong to­ gether and both should be gold in color. In Ps. 16:11 we find these two “ P’s” in PRESENCE and PLEAS­ URES — for the verse reads, “ In [His] presence is fulness of joy; at [His] right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” These two “ P’s” are indeed “ sweet” for they speak of heaven where our Lord is. To behold Him, to see His face means “ fulness of joy” and “ pleasure forevermore!” The world offers pleasures which last but for “ a season” (Heb. 11:25), but for the Christian there are “ pleasures forevermore” awaiting them in the glory land. Which will you choose?

Sum m er b rin g s a re c u rrin g a n n u a I "squeeze" to our evangelism and relief programs, as vacations cut into giving while the calls for urgently needed relief of human . misery and Christian witness continue un- I abated. Pray for us; fellowship with us in this Christian ministry. Write re advance booking for the film version of "They Looked for a City," to be released in November. Thrilling human drama in full Icolor, filmed in Europe. 16mm. 40 minutes. THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Missionary and Relief Society, Inc. Rev. Victor Buksbazen, General Secretary 330K Witherspoon Bldg., Phila. 7, Pa.

A bouquet of garden sweet peas and a bouquet of the letter “ P.” The latter are made by cutting capital letter “ P’s” out of pastel shades of construction paper. Cut two of each color and paste together with a piece of green pipe stem cleaner or mil­ liner’s flower stems between each two let­ ters. Tie together with a ribbon bow. LESSON: I have two bouquets with me today. One is this beautiful bunch of sweet peas gathered from the garden. (Dis­ play). How fragrant and beautiful they are, each one so delicate in color, the handiwork of God, our Heavenly Father! That He delights in color, the beauty is surely demonstrated by His lavish display of color in nature. And all of the beautiful flowers He made are for our enjoyment and pleasure, again telling us of His ten­ der love for us, His children. But I have another bouquet with me, a bunch of sweet “ P’s,” gathered from the garden of the Word of God. These too, are fragrant with the Heavenly Father’s love as we shall see as we consider each one. We will let this first letter “ P” stand for PARDON (Take letter from the bunch and hold it up as the lesson is given). In Isaiah 55:7b we read that the Lord “will abundantly par­ don” those who return to Him. When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour we receive from Him pardon for all of our sins and unrighteous­ ness. Have you received this precious gift? This next sweet “ P” tells us of PEACE, another gift which is ours when we receive the Lord Jesus as Saviour. By his death on the Cross, He has removed all enmity and hostility between God and man (Rom. 5:1). Not only has “He made peace” for us but “ He is our peace” and His peace fills our hearts, “ the peace of God that passeth all understanding.” (See John 14:27; Ephesians 2:14, 17). Our third sweet “ P” tells us of the privilege of PRAYER. The following verses tell us something about this wonderful privilege that we can enjoy while here on earth, that of talking to God in heaven. (I Thess. 5:16, Matt. 21:22, Eph. 6:18, Luke 11:1-4). Boys and girls and young people as well as grown ups should delight to talk to their Heavenly Father in prayer. This is one way to become better acquainted with Him. Do you have the habit of daily prayer? And have you had any of your prayers answered? Our next sweet “ P” is one that be­ longs with the third one. It stands for

JO IN TH E A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and are in either denominational or undenominational work, you are invited to become a member of this fast growing ministerial organization. License or ordination credentials issued to members. Your inquiry invited. A M E R IC A N EV A N G ELIC A L C H R IST IA N C HU RCHES 192 N. C L A R K ST. C H IC A G O 1, ILL.


KBBI FM ★ 107.5 me. 19,600 watts ★ 6:30 A.M. to 10:30 P.M.

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KBBI BRINGS YOU Jack Wyrtzen, Phil Kerr, Wilbur Nel­ son, Jack MacArthur, M. R. DeHaan, Billy Graham, Theodore Epp, T. Myron Webb, Percy Crawford, John R. Rice, Michael Guido, Me rv Rose11, and a host of other fine Christian programs. Listen daily to 107.5. At the top of the FM dial.


W ere sold in 1958 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury, and m ake friends for your organization. Samples FREE to Officials SA N G A M O N M ILL S Established 1915 Cohoes, N.Y.

JULY, 1959


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