King's Business - 1959-07


Hong Kong H ow will we win the Far East for Christ? One very promising means is to captivate the hearts of boys and girls with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. One of the five-pronged evangelistic efforts of the Biola Department in Hong Kong is Christian schools where hundreds of boys and girls are daily taught truths that will make them wise unto salvation. Pictured below is one of the classes where dedicated teachers carry on this important task of training up children in the way they should go, so that when they are old they will not depart from it.

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Campus Status Full color picture postcards show­ ing current progress on the La Mir­ ada Campus, are available to readers for distribution to high school young people. The beautiful pictures weit I taken from the air in a helicopter. ! The supply is limited, and naturally the cards are free. Much activity is going on as offices for the school move to La Mirada. Actually, many of the business and administrative offices of the school will remain at the downtown loca­ tion until the Administration build­ ing is constructed at La Mirada. Fac­ ulty and educational offices, however, will all be on the campus. Some are now in operation. One big job, headed up by Employment Director Spurgeon Elder, is to secure positions for the | students this coming fall in the im- I mediate area. While a great deal of interest by local businessmen has been shown in hiring Christian young people, we would appreciate informa­ tion from any of our readers who know of potential opportunities for | employment. Alumni Alumni will be encouraged to know that a great deal of work has been going on to strengthen the effective­ ness of the Biola Alumni Association. In recent meetings of the executive council of the group, plans have been laid for the calling of a full time director who will devote his energies to the furtherance of this important area of the school’s ministry. We are hopeful of announcing the appoint­ ment of such a key person in the very near future, perhaps in the next issue of the KING’S BUSINESS. Field Department Field Department representatives . met for their annual conclave in Los Angeles. The men, dedicated to the service of the Lord, are trained repre­ sentatives of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, assigned to various areas of the west, and capable of assisting friends with any financial problems. Field Representatives are: Eugene Poole, Ray Weiskopf, Jack Findley, Bruce Bailey, Frank Watson, Max Williams, Miles Dunning and C. A. Landgren. If you desire a call by one of the friendly, helpful men, a note in your next letter to the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles will be all that is necessary. JULY, 1959

O u r special King’s Business salute this month goes to Jean Clayton, a student of the Bible Institute of Los .Angeles, Inc., who was graduated this June with high honors from the BIOLA College as a Christian educa­ tion major. Miss Clayton was greatly used of the Lord during the interven­ ing time between the passing of Mrs. Matilda Boehmer, former dean of stu­ dents and Miss Margaret Hart, who since May 1st has assumed that post of responsibility. Miss Clayton’s work for BIOLA has continued during all of her time in training. She was greatly used of the Lord to originate and carry through plans for the high school senior “ hos­ pitality days” on the Biola Campus. Saved at an early age, Miss Clayton recalls “ It may have been eleven but I was sure of it at 16. “The Red Letter day in my life of service came in 1953 when Dawson and Lila Trotman were conducting a conference at Forest Home. Right then eight different doors of opportunity were open to me. Dawson spoke to me forthrightly. He said, ‘Do you still want the one thing that God has, the very best for you?’ I had been debating about working for one of the large oil companies. A good job was mine and promise for steady promotion. But when I received that challenge, I came to Biola, and surrenderd all things to the Lord. I want to testify to the fact that I have never known such peace and joy walking this way with Christ.” These few printed words are far inadequate to express what she has meant to the work and workers of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. To you, Jean, we pray God’s richest blessing upon one. who has faithfully |carried on the ministry of the Saviour. May He use you in the days to come I for His own honor and glory! 43

But Christian schools is just one means of proclaiming the old, old story of Jesus and His love. Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Roberts also guide the work of the Emmanuel Church with regular meetings each week; the Fraternity Book Room; the Emmanuel Medical Clinic, each month treating more than 2,000 physically and spir­ itually needy people; and the Deep Well Youth Center where young peo­ ple can gather together for fellowship and to hear the challenge of the liv­ ing Word of God.

Dr. Roberts works among the "fisher folks"

The Biola Department in Hong Kong certainly merits and urgently needs your prayers and sacrificial sup­ port. Even now, greater doors of op­ portunity are open if financial help becomes available. Pray that God will raise up those willing to help send the gospel story to the lost in this needy area of the world.

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