King's Business - 1959-07

Ideas for CHURCH RECREATION By JIM SLEVCOVE S k i t s can provide fun for parties, camps, banquets and almost any g a t h e r i n g . Costuming, miscasting, spontaneous laughs, and improvised lines are all parts of putting on skits. THE ECHO The Leader, the Doubter, and the Echo are the players. The Leader an­ nounces that he will demonstrate a mysterious echo and proceeds to call out, “Hello, echo.” The Echo is in hiding, outside the room, behind a tree of anywhere close by. He an­ swers back, “Hello, echo.” The group will giggle a bit and after the Leader calls out a few more phrases, the Doubter walks up to him and claims there is no real echo. Upon being persuaded that there is, the Doubter tests it by calling out, “ Boloney.” When the Echo does not reply, the Leader convinces him to try again. “ Put more feeling into it,” advises the Leader. So, Doubter calls out boloney two more times, and again the echo fails to respond. Finally, in a effort to prove this is not a hoax, the Leader says he will try it again. And, he calls out, “ I am the best looking fellow in the whole party.” To which the Echo replies quickly and louder than ever, “ Boloney, Boloney, Boloney!” THE W H IZ MACH INE This skit takes more preparation but is worth the effort. It takes place in a poor country store where a large box (3’x3’x3’ ) has just been delivered by four strong fellows. The storekeep­ er states that it is his new Whiz Machine. As folks enter his store, he tells them that anything placed in the hole in the top of the box comes back greatly enlarged. So, a pair of baby shoes are tossed in and a large pair of boots is tossed out. Another drops in a ping pong ball and a vol­ ley ball flies out. One mistaking the Machine to be a trash box tosses in his tooth pick and a baseball bat is hurled out. I once saw this skit at a p i c n i c w h e r e an e g g s h e l l wa s dropped in and a live chicken flew out. Finally, a lady (man dressed as lady) comes into the store carrying her baby (doll wrapped in a blanket). She accidently drops the baby into the Machine, steps back and begins to cry hysterically, along with the store­ keeper. The box rumbles and rattles for a moment then out of the top jumps the “ grown baby.” He cries, “Mama” and picks her up and carries her off. These are just two of many skit suggestions.

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