King's Business - 1959-07

Disc Personalities O h it tiss wonderrrfull . . . it tiss marrrvellos and wonderrrfull . . It would be difficult to put into writing the sound of 200 Scotsmen singing the words of this wonderful old hymn while rolling their “r’s” and twirling their “t’s.” In this month’s column, we spot­ light what is fast becoming the num­ ber one religious album in record sales throughout the country. It is the “ Festival of Male Voice Praise” from Glasgow, Scotland, directed by Mr. James McRoberts. The group sings 12 selections, some old familiar hymns, others no doubt well known to folk who have been reared in “ the old country.” All extremely pleasing to hear and deeply inspiring.

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T h e p a s s io n f o r s o u ls and missionary vision of the Institute’s renowned founder, Dwight L. Moody, is ap ever-present challenge to students and grad­ uates, to the dedicated faculty and more than 500 full-time employees. In t h e c la s s r o o m , at chapel services and on practical work assignments . . . students are trained and led into an understanding of God’s missionary pur­ pose for their lives and encouraged to choose their lifework on the basis of where and how God can best use them. To C h r is t ia n s a r o u n d th e w o r ld , MBI is more than a school . . . it is liter­ ally a “mission station” in the heart of metropolitan Chicago, seeking to win lost souls everywhere— on Madison Street or in Malaya, New York or New Guinea, California or Calcutta .. . and by all means —through personal testi­ mony, preaching, distribution of gospel literature, films, television and radio. The tu itio n -free tra in in g and M B I’s many ministries are supported by the prayers and gifts of Christians with a missionary vision. Without these gifts, the training and missionary challenge afforded by M B I would not be available to many dedicated young men and women. The d ire cto rs of many of the large mission boards are former students who received their training and missionary vision at MBI. T o d a y , the re is a g re a te r need than ever for your prayers and your gifts to help the Institute maintain this tuition-free training and expand its far- reaching ministries to the far corners of the world. INTERDENOM INATIONAL . . . EVANGELICAL M O O D Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E D r . W il l ia m C u l b e r t s o n , president • D r . S. M a x w e l l C o d e r , dean 820 N. LA SALLE S T R E E T • CHICAGO 10, ILL INO IS A C C R E D I T E D B Y A C C R E D I T I N G A S S O C I A T I O N O F B I B L E C O L L E G E S

James McRoberts and Jim Vaus Pictured above is Jim Vaus, well- known electronics wizard who drew attention of American audiences to the singing of the Scotsmen. With him is Mr. McRoberts who directs the group. Vaus’ recording in stereo­ phonic sound of the Glasgow choir, was played back with his special Am- pex equipment in this country. De­ mands by audiences for the music, especially for the selection “ Oh it Is Marvelous,” were overwhelming. Sev­ eral c o m p a n i e s , Parliphone and Chancel, produced records with from two to four selections. But the public wanted more. Finally, after many months of waiting, Christian Faith Records of Reseda has produced the beautiful new album by the group. I n c i d e n t a l l y , originally it was thought that all of these 200 men were coal miners. While many of them are, others come from all walks of life. The one common bond is their love for Christ and their love for sing­ ing His praises. E ditor ’ s N o te : More than a thousand of these albums have already been sold through our Biola Book Room. They cost $4.98 in the store, or $5.40 through the mail, for a factory-fresh album, tax and postage paid.

JULY, 1959


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