King's Business - 1959-07

^ e A c f t d à i e “?£>. S * . S c e n e This month a number of features highlight the pages of the K i n g ’ s B u s i ­

FOR YOUR LIFETIME!... If you are interested in security and peace of mind . . . an assured, generous income for life . . . plus a share in training young people for fruitful, Christian lives and service — you’ll be interested in the Wheaton College Annuity Investment Plan. It was designed to satisfy these needs. Write

n e s s . One of the most challenging ar­ ticles we’ve ever printed “ By Life or by Death” , tells of the sudden home­ going of Mrs. Roy Robertson, wife of orient N a v i g a t o r leader Roy Robert­ son. What does death mean to a home of


today for the fr e e booklet, Pleasant Tomorrows , explaining the plan.


Dept. K-79

W heaton, Illinois Please send me a copy of Pleasant Tomor­ rows, booklet explaining Annuity Plan in detail. Name ____________________________ Age ----------- Address - . .. . ..... ......... City ________________ Zone ___ State __________

busy Christian service, and to three little children? Every Christian should read this timely and inspiring article. Roy Robertson Missing from the growing number of columns in the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s is “Making Melody” by Ralph Carmichael. This past month, Ralph has been with the Bob Pierce during the Osaka, Japan Evangelistic Crusade. Ralph writes:

Please mention THE K ING 'S BUSINESS when writing to the advertisers in the magazine Biola School of Missionary Medicine Training W ith Purpose diversified > accelerated > accredited sr

Dentistry Four-month course. Ap­ proved by State of Califor­ nia Board of Dental Exam­ iners, Department of Voca­ tional and Professional Standards. Offered in one semester. Practical training in missionary dentistry. Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and lab­ oratory work. Classes start in January.

Nursing Courses for 4, 8 or 12 months. Classroom, labora­ tory and hospital instruc­ tions and experience. The 12-month course qualifies the graduate to take the California State Board Ex­ amination and obtain the LV . N degree. Classes start in Septem­ ber and January.

“ Greetings from Osaka, Japan. It is my privilege to be directing the music for the Osaka Christian Crusade with Dr. Bob Pierce and the World Vision team. The Crusade is being held in Festival Hall at the invitation of 400 Protestant churches in the Osaka area. There are four choirs of 600 voices each that started rehearsing eight weeks prior to the meetings (2400 voices in all), and we are using the 75- piece Kyoto symphony each night. Next month we will resume our regular column topics.” LAST MONTH 'S COVER

All courses are open to: Christian missionaries, pros­ pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical care-

Dispensary Four-month course. Gives training in laboratory anal­ ysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to set up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently with com­ mon ailments. Classes start in January. Biola School of MISSIONARY MEDICINE a school of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hopo St./ Los Angeles 17, Calif.

Mrs. Janiece Talbert, secretary to Biola vice-president A1 Sanders, tries on wedding veil during photography for June K in g ’ s B u s in e s s cover. Miss Peggy McReynolds, another Biola secretary and the bride, has since become Mrs. Jim Gilleran. Gown and veil was furnished through the courtesy of J. W . Robinson’s Department Stores. Photography by the Alpha Omega Pro­ ductions.

JULY, 1959


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