King's Business - 1959-07

A ccen t on


with Ken Poure

A n 'm Ken Poure E v e r y b o d y

perience, we come to realize that it is possible to be bom into God’s family through faith in Jesus Ch r i s t , to experience the person and work of the Holy Spirit in our souls, and still to be powerless in our daily lives. Why? I would like to suggest one of many keys which has helped me. We could compare this Scriptural key to power to a key for your car. As long as the key is not inserted into the locked ignition, your automobile is powerless. If the spiritual “ key” of truth is not inserted into the locks of our will, we too will be powerless. Here is the key in John 2:5. We find a command given by Mary to a group of servants at a great marriage feast. She spoke the key — “WHATSO­ EVER HE SAITH UNTO YOU, DO IT.” Yes! that’s it — short, sweet, and simple, but it will unlock “ all power unto you.” Look at it closely. First, notice that we are to do WHATSO­ EVER He says, whether it seems to be a small, insignificant task or a tremendously large one. Next, “What­ soever HE saith.” Have you ever drunk deeply into the doctrine of the deity of Jesus? Oh, how rich! God in flesh! Study John 14:1-10, and remem­ ber that He is the Word that was made flesh and it is HIS order that is to be obeyed. Thirdly, “Whatsoever He SAITH.” How does the Lord speak to us today? Yes! through the written Word, the Bible. There are over 300 specific com­ mands to the Christian in the New Testament alone. Next, “Whatsoever He saith unto YOU.” How often we read the Word of God or listen to a message and apply it to everyone but ourselves. The Scripture says, “ If we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.” Then finally, “Whatsoever He saith unto you DO IT.” This is the thing on which all spiritual power hinges. Unreserved obedience to the revealed will of God! Jesus said, “Why call ye Me Lord and do not the things that I say?” James tells us to be “ doers of the Word, not hearers only, deceiving ourselves.” So brother and sister in Christ, if you want power, more power, much power, learn and obey this key -— “Whatsoever He saith unto you DO IT.”

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is talking about it, but few have it. What is it? POWER! It is a wonderful thing to have and it is certainly needed in this present day. Let us stop and consider some of the places we need this power of God in our daily lives. I think one of the greatest areas is in prayer. So many of us talk to God but see very little accomplished. Why? Could it be that our prayer lacks that quality of power that will place it into “ orbit” ? The Bible says, “ the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us . . .” Our prayer life must be empowered by the H

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