King's Business - 1954-08

How to Have a Winning Church Most pastors of success­ ful churches report that all it takes to have such a church is a group of B ible -believing , hard­ w ork ing , d isturbed

the nation. Another ministry has been our month­ ly magazine, the K ing ’ s B usiness . This summer we are sponsoring a subscription contest that will make it possible for your church to win some practical prizes to help in the ef­ fectiveness of its ministry. There are 25 prizes— typewriters, scholarships, tape recorders, projec­ tors, etc. And the grand prize is a free two-week trip to Hawaii for the pastor of the winning church. The trip will be next January and he will go with a group of other Christians who are making up a Bible Conference Cruise. For complete details of how you can help your church be a winning church, write today to: Contest Editor, K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s , 5 5 8 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, Calif. Why not tear this page out right now while you’re thinking about it and hand it to your pastor this Sunday? By the way, we’ve planned the contest so even the smallest church has equal opportunity of winning. END.

members. Disturbed in the sense of not being satisfied un til their

church is doing its very best to tell the people of the community the plan of salvation through the shed blood of Christ. Is your church a winning church? Perhaps you can help it be even more of a winning church than it is today. W e here at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles have been working with churches since 1910. Working to give them ideas and methods and information. O f course our main contribution has been the training of thou­ sands of young people from churches all across

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