King's Business - 1954-08

L a u n c h i n g on V i c t o r i a T he average college student has always found it touch-and-go when it comes to finances. But a phenomenon of human nature is that the poorest are often the most generous givers. Last year in Los Angeles the students of B iola , as they do each year, did some extra giving for a special project. The project: a boat for the Africa Inland Mission. Cost: $ 10 , 000 . This spring B iola Chancellor Louis T. Talbot was on hand in Tanganyika when the partly-finished boat was christened on Lake Victoria. In the photo below Mrs. Ed Arensen swings vigorously at her christening task and Hamilton Morrow, field director for AIM, keeps up a running commentary even in the face of splashing water. B iola ’ s mission director Oran Smith watches at far right. A Canadian couple, Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie, will operate the boat for AIM. McKenzie was a former member of the Canadian Merchant Marine.

DR. TALBOT From his students, $10,000.

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