King's Business - 1954-08

Out of the

Lab Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Bioia Bible College

Annual Bible Conference^ j p g on Prophecy and the Jew AUG. 30 over Labor Day, SEPT. 6 W IN O N A LAKE, IN DIAN A

Carbon 1 4 (Part Two)

HEAR thés» celebrated prophetic scholars Dr. Hyman J. Appelman, Dr. Paul Bauman, Dr. John W. Bradbury, Rev. Herman B. Centz, Rev. Max Cohn, Dr. William Culbertson, Dr. V. R. Edman, George Hayes, Jr., Dr. Peter Hoogendam, Dr. Herbert Lockyer, Sr., Dr. A. B. Machlin, Dr. Alva J. McClain, Dr. J. Palmer Muntz, Nate Scharff, Rev. Nathan Stone, Dr. Chester E. Tulga, Judge W. R. Wallace NEW PROPHETIC CONFERENCE! C AN AN DA IG U A LAKE, N.Y. J U L Y 3 - 1 0 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND! For Full Information ■' 1 " ....................... —■w rite:------------- THE A M E R IC A N A SSO C IA T IO N FO R JEW ISH EV A N G ELISM Dept. K W inona Lake, Indiana

L ast month in our introduction to the subject of carbon 14 dating we saw that this technique enables the scientist to date organic remains with a precision which had not been pre­ viously possible. Using this method there has been compiled quite a list of dates on all sorts of materials, including some from cultures ' that existed in Old Testament times. Such accurate dating of Old Testament cul­ tures will in the future undoubtedly aid in helping us to a better under­ standing of the Scriptures. Of more immediate interest to the Christian have been the dates assigned ancient artifacts of man. These are impor­ tant because they give us the means for estimating how long man has been on earth. Since the Christian has made various guesses based on the Scriptural record as to the antiquity of man, the dates the scientist has obtained should be of some interest. Let us consider two such dates which have been determined by using the carbon 14 technique. Material taken from a human site in the Lascaux cave in Europe, where the cave paint­ ings of the wooly mammoth are found, gave an age of about 15,500 years. At the present time this is the oldest date on a human site. In the new world a test was made on some sandals found in an Oregon cave which gave an age of about 9,050 years. These results are very sig­ nificant because they definitely con­ firm that man has been on earth for at least 15,000 years. These dates are not in agreement with the chronology of Ussher, which

is still used in many Bibles, and which dates the creation of man as having taken place about 6000 years ago. The inadequacy of Ussher’s chronology has been recognized for some time by many within the Chris­ tian church. Ussher published his work in 1650-1654 at a time when very little was known about the systems of chronology employed by the ancients. Today, since we know much more about the systems these people employed, a revision of pre­ vious estimates has become neces­ sary. Unfortunately the data do not yet permit us to build a final chro­ nology. Most of the difficulty comes in the time between Adam and Abra­ ham. Here the record will allow sev­ eral interpretations, which lengthen the time from the present until the creation of man. One theory holds that it is impossible to determine ac­ curately how much time elapsed be­ tween these two patriarchs while oth­ ers allow about 11,000 years for this period. In any case, the result of modem work on the Scriptures”would indicate that man has been on earth for a longer time than had previously been thought. Dates approximating those demonstrated by the scientist with the carbon 14 technique are be­ ing mentioned as distinctly possible if not probable. How much older the new tools of science will prove man to be is impossible to say at the pres­ ent time. However, we are confident that if science ever arrives at a final estimate for the antiquity of man it will be in agreement with estimates made from the Scriptures. END.

DR. T O R R E Y M . J O H N S O N Sa ys: “ The American Messianic Fellow­ ship has a most illustrious record of achievement for God. Surely with the blessing of God, this great mis­ sion can look forward to increasing victories in the com ing years.

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f Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission) M ilton B. Lindberg, Gen. Dir. or Archie A. MacKinney, Supt. 7448 N. DAMEN CH ICAGO 4&, ILL.

“ Have there always been trees here in this park?” That is what a converted drunkard asked Mel Trotter, the famous rescue mission worker of Grand Rapids, Mich, who went to be with the Lord a number of years ago, a short while after the inquirer had been saved from drunkenness. Mel Trotter, who was one of the greatest rescue mission workers in the world, said, “ A drunkard never looks up. A drunkard looks down.” Sin always pulls down. It takes the upward look to transform a human life. Paul had a heavenly vision to which he was true. — Bob Jones Comments

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