King's Business - 1954-08

others to whom the vineyard, or true people of God is given, are the Gentiles. W hen the Jewish nation rejected the Lord, He rejected them, but this rejection is not permanent. God is even now begin­ ning to deal again with the nation of Israel; He is restoring them to their own land and w ill soon chasten the nation in the Tribulation (Matt. 24:21) and then Christ w ill come to establish His Kingdom as predicted by the Old Testa­ ment prophets (cp. Isa. 2:1-4) and by the Lord H imself (Matt. 24). 2. What is the task of the Church in this dispensation? (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8.) A re you doing your share? What can the believer do to extend the influ­ ence of Christ around the world— think of dedicating your life to Christ as a missionary or minister or Christian work­ er; think of tithing your income to help in the building of the church; think of the importance of prayer. Find Scriptures for each of these holy occupations and discuss them in your meeting. 3. What figure does the Apostle use for the true church of Christ? (Rom. 12:- 3-8; 1 Cor. 12:12-27; Eph. 4:1-16.) 4. Is every man who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and is truly born again a member of the body of Christ? (Rom. 12:5; 1 Cor. 12:12, 13.) 5. Does every member of the body of Christ have the same function to per­ form? (Rom. 12:4.) 6. In what general spirit should each believer make his contribution to the spir­ itual health of the body? (Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 13:1-3.) 7. Does it make any difference in the body if even one member fails to do his full share? (1 Cor. 12:25,26.) 8. What is the main purpose of each member in the body of Christ? (Eph. 4:12-16.) 9. What does it mean to “ come in the unity of the faith” ? (Eph. 4:13.) 10. What is an outstanding mark of childishness in the Christian faith? (Eph. 4:14.) 11. A re you doing your best for Jesus Christ and for the building up of the body and in making every effort to win others to share in the glory of being re­ lated to our blessed Saviour? END.


Sept. 17 — Preparing Effectively-— M ark 14:13-17 Sept. 18 — Praying in Everything - 1- Phil. 4:6 HEART OF THE LESSON Young people love to get together for meetings of Christian fellowship, hut those meetings must be of interest if the mem­ bers are to be kept coming. Those in charge of the meetings should work hard in preparing such meetings, and the best preparation is prayer, both private, and with the other leaders of the group. Plan your program on your knees and it w ill In this meeting have the members of the group take part in frank discussion on the best ways and means to make the group function to the glory of God, the salvation of young people, and the bless­ ing of all concerned. 1. What is the meaning of 1 Cor. 14:- 40? The chapter involved (1 Cor. 14) has to do with unseemly actions in pub­ lic meetings. The Corinthians were prone to noisy, showy meetings with the empha­ sis on the flesh and on the emotions. W e must seek to make our meetings lively but not unseemly. 2. What does the phrase in order mean in 1 Cor. 14:40? How can order be gained and maintained? Discuss the value of planning every part of the meeting— the arrangement of the chairs, the table, the lamps, pictures, etc., the books used in singing, the ushering, the offerings, the announcements, the presentation o f visi­ tors, the general conduct of the meeting. 3. What does Paul mean in 1 Tim . 3:15 by the believer’s behaviour in the house of God? W h y should the believer thus behave himself? 4. The use of the Bible in your meet­ ings is the most important part of the entire meeting because it is through the W ord of God that instruction and inspira­ tion comes, when the H oly Spirit is present. Discuss the messages with the discussion groups of your society— take up the preparation of Bible talks on the basis of 2 Tim . 2:15. Every Christian ought to be able to give a simple mes­ sage from the Bible, and he can if he w ill follow these simple rules: 1) study the passage in its context; 2) discover the unifying truth; 3) form your outline, usually follow ing the order of ideas in the passage or text; 4) develop each line of thought using parallel passages, illus­ trations, etc., to interpret and apply the truth. 5. What does Paul mean when he says “ rightly dividing the word o f truth” ? (2 Tim . 2:15.) Discuss this verse. The lead­ er should look up the meaning in a good commentary and in acceptable transla­ tions. Make the stress upon study. Show what it means to study the Bible; deal with consistent, consecutive, earnest, pray­ erful, obedient study of the Word. (Use such other passages as Jer. 15:16; Psalm 119:18, 105, etc.) Sept. 26, 1954 work— it w ill “ click” . STUDY QUESTIONS

The Use of the Talents

— Matt. 25:14-29

Sept. 21 —

Using our Gifts

— tuke 19:12-26

Sept. 22 — Giving Encouragement -SI Isaiah 41:6, 7 Sept. 23 — ■ We are Living Epistles c— 2 Cor. 3:1-3 Sept. 24 — Responsibility for Others -fr-Gal. 6:1-6 Sept. 25 — Each Doing his Part — 1 Chron. 28:20, 21 HEART OF THE LESSON Every believer has a definite responsi­ bility to Christ and His Church. Our study in this lesson is designed to demon­ strate this truth and to encourage every ~k ★ ★ W h y Don’ t W e P ray? Do we think He does not listen? Do we think He does not care? That He lives far off in glory, And we cannot reach Him there? Do we think He cannot answer, That He doesn’t have the power? If we don’t, why aren’t we praying Every day and every hour? — Martha Snell Nicholson ★ ★ ★ young person in your society to dedicate himself to using every God-given talent to the glory and honor of Jesus Christ and the w inning of the lost to the Sav­ iour. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. In the parable of Luke 20:9-16, the certain man is God; the vineyard is Is­ rael; the husbandmen are the spiritual leaders of Israel— the Pharisees and Sad- ducees; the servants sent by God are the prophets and true spokesmen of God who are not heeded by the nation; the be­ loved son is the Lord Jesus Christ who was rejected by the Jewish nation and crucified as a blasphemer and an im ­ poster (John 1:12; John 19:14,15.) The

Hawaiian Cruise Use this coupon fo r ad on inside front cover Dr. James T. Martin, Pastor Chevy Chase Baptist Church 1209 E. Garfield, Glendale 5, Calif. Please send complete details regarding the Hawaiian Bible Study Cruise. PLEASE PRINT: Name.............,.....................................................................,.......................-...... Address................................................... ............................... ........ ................:... City...................................... Zone............. State............................. .'.............

Am I a Player or a Spectator? Luke 20:9-16


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