King's Business - 1954-08

that it’s already w«dl filled. You wonder if the people are there be­ cause they’re really interested, or if they’re waiting for the free cup of coffee they get at the end of the meet­ ing, or if they’re tired of walking and have come in just to sit down. You walk back to the office where the members of your group are being briefed on the program, and then there is a time of prayer. You ask that the Holy Spirit may take charge, and then you walk back out in front and onto the platform and sit down facing the audience. You’re conscious of the sea of faces looking at you, or through you, with blank, expression­ less eyes. The program gets under way with a song service, and you sing out a little louder than usual to make up for those in the audience who aren’t singing at all. It’s dark outside now, but you can see people still shuffling along on the sidewalk. You notice too the huge electric sign of the night club across the street blinking on and off. It all seems like a different world out there. Yeu feel like getting up

and shouting at the top of your lungs: “You’re all wrong out there! Up and out, or down and out, you’re all wrong! This is the way. Can’t you see—-that’s not real—it’s all a mis­ take.” But you don’t say anything. You sit and listen as the vocal solo­ ist sings a song that says everything you wanted to shout about. The program goes on. There’s more singing, an instrumental solo, and then testimony time. This is your chance to take part, and tell of what the Lord Jesus Christ means to you. You feel a little choked up as you finish and sit down, and you’re con­ scious of that sea of faces looking through you again. There are other testimonies. Some speak of broken homes, and broken bodies—of drunkenness and immoral­ ity—and then of how they found Christ as Saviour and how He changed their lives. You wonder if that miracle will happen this night, and you pray to that end as, the mes­ sage gets under way. It’s just the simple gospel story—nothing fancy. We’re all sinners in the sight of God,

and we need a Saviour. God, in love, has furnished that Saviour in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered, bled and died— a death He' did not deserve. But He died in our place and in our stead. All we need do is simply believe. The debt has been paid. God is satisfied. The invitation is given, and four men come forward and go to the prayer room. Some from your group go in with them to counsel them fur­ ther as to the way of salvation. You notice people still walking by outside the mission, and the night club sign is still blinking on and off. That world seems more unreal than ever now. You think again of those four who came forward,, and wonder if they were really sincere in taking Christ .as Saviour. And you remember what the Word says of those who plant and those who water, and how God gives the increase. You feel good somehow inside for having had a small part in the planting and wa­ tering, and you’re willing to leave the results to God.



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