King's Business - 1954-08

fromtheeditor's desk

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Peace From The Prince o f Peace IlT o rld conditions are becoming increasingly discouraging from the VW human point of view. It is indeed wonderful to be able to turn to God’s Word and to see there the glorious assurance that as conditions worsen, we are to look up, knowing that “ our redemption draweth nigh.” As this editorial is being written, newspapers boldly announce that the once great British Empire has become so weak and anemic in its moral fibre as well as its military might that it now suggests a division of Indo­ nesia, with one of the three states going over to the Communists and the other two remaining free. Thus another “ Korea” seems to be in the making. If the Communists cannot get entire countries at once, they will pick them off piecemeal and the so-called free world is standing by, raising futile and rather sickly objections, then allowing the Communists to go on with their hellish enslavement of peoples and nations. Peace at any price is an awful price to pay for peace. The student of the Word of God recognizes however that there can be no true peace until He who is the Prince of Peace comes again. And so our hope is not in govern­ ments, armies or men. Our hope is in Him; and while governments may fail and nations may fall into decay, our King of kings and Lord of lords is coming soon to clean up the whole sordid mess that we find in indi­ vidual, national and international affairs. And then will righteousness cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. A Fruitful Summer ummertime is Bible conference time. Summer Bible conferences have A come to be an integral part of the Christian life of America. It is a *^time when a determination is made to put inspiration into action. Of course the very first result of our Bible conference experience should be a more intimate walk with the Lord Jesqs Christ. This means that there will be evidence of a real growth in our own spiritual life. To maintain this growth we should give ourselves earnestly to intensive prayer, to thorough study of the Word of God, to faithfulness in doing the things which the Lord sets before us to do; and we must be so busy with our own spiritual life and development that we do not have time to find fault with others. In this way summer vacation can become a year around blessing not only to ourselves but to all with whom we come in contact. F ree fo r Y ou r Friends Please send a free copy, of this issue to the following: Name............................................................................................................................................ Street............................................................................................................................................. City................................................................... Zone.............. State...................................... Name............................................................................................................................................. Street............................................................................................................................................. City................................................................... Zone.............. State...................................... C lip & M a il T o d a y : The Editor's, King's Business 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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Dr. M. R. DeHaan . Teacher

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