
Joyeuses Fêtes Season’s Greetings

What should you give to someone who is in the hospital? H owever reluctant they may be, some people have no choice but to stay in hospital A Christmas gift chosen with love can make a real difference to someone who is hospitalized.

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870, ch. Aurèle Casselman, ON

À l’occasion de la période des Fêtes, nous désirons vous souhaitez santé et bonheur!

Location de compteur frontal 2-3-4-5-6-9-8 verges Sylvain Laflèche 613 223-0817

Location de conteneur Roll-off 10-20-30-40 verges Jean-Jacques Lafontaine 613 223-0741 Maurice Demers 613 791-5856

over the holidays. Do you know someone in this situation? In addition to being a good listener and lending your moral support, there are plenty of appropriate gifts to make his or her stay a little more cheerful. Ask questions Before buying anything, check with hospital staff to find out what the person you are visiting is allowed to have. Why? Because certain illnesses and conditions require special precautions with regard to the risk of infection and diet.

Wishing our customers, neighbours and friends a Joyous Holiday Season. Thank you for your patronage.

Nous souhaitons à tous nos clients, voisins et amis un Joyeux Temps des Fêtes. Merci de votre encouragement.

Games and reading material Books with different types of

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crosswords, word search puzzles, Sudoku, anagrams, riddles and trivia are great for help­ ing pass the time. If the person is fond of reading and you knowwhat he or she enjoys, you could also bringmagazines or books that will keep them busy for hours on end. Comfort A hospital patient can be made more com­ fortable with the gift of a clothing item or a cozy accessory. You could offer a soft throw

blanket, scarf, cushion, socks without tight elastic cuffs, non-slip slippers, pyjamas that are easy to put on, a bathrobe or an eye-mask for sleeping. Music Music is great for relievingmonotony, so why not offer a personal music player and some comfortable earphones? Put together a play­ list of personal preferences, and don’t forget to download a few favourite Christmas tunes. Depuis/Since 1938

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Joyeuses Fêtes

Joyeuses Fêtes et que la nouvelle année vous apporte paix, bonheur et prospérité.

Season’s Greeting and may the new year bring you peace, happiness and prosperity.

Saint-Isidore, ON 613-524-2174

Casselman, ON 613-764-1738

Alexandria, ON 613-525-3134

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