STX Middle School Handbook

In addition, alcohol often confuses communication and leads to unwanted sexual advances, disagreements, and sometimes fights. Positive reason: To Go Along with Friends Your son or daughter may feel pressured to drink in certain situations. This pressure can be direct, like if someone hands him or her a beer at a party, or it can be indirect, like when he or she wants to be part of a group that experiments with alcohol. Alternatives: Parents can try to influence who their kids pick for friends, but parents cannot choose their kids’ friends. Instead, help your child understand the dynamics of peer pressure and how important it is to be his or her own person. Also, help your son or daughter plan how to react to situations where they could get pressured to drink, such as a friend bringing alcohol to a party. Positive reason: To Fit In Even when peer pressure is not obvious, kids may feel that without drinking, they won’t be seen as a true part

Parent-Child Connections Help Your Child Stay Safe! Research shows that the more you connect with your kids… ࡟ by having dinner together ࡟ by talking together ࡟ by enjoying activities ࡟ by sharing feelings and concerns …the more protected they are against alcohol and other drug use.

Positive reason: To Lower Stress Some kids believe alcohol helps reduce worries. Alternatives: Remind your son or daughter that a problem does not go away because you drink (and, in fact, it may become worse). Help him or her find productive ways to confront problems directly, rather than avoid them. Positive reason: To Express Feelings and Reduce Inhibitions Some kids believe that alcohol helps make it easier to express feelings or talk with members of the opposite sex. Alternatives: Acknowledge how difficult certain social situations are. But remind your child that while alcohol might make him or her feel less shy, drinking actually clouds judgment.

of the group. Alternatives:

Emphasize to your child that “war stories”— like who drank the most shots, who blacked out, and who had the worst hangover—only highlight the dangers of drinking (and also can be tall tales from their peers). Encourage your child to focus on their own values and to overlook boasting about drinking and drunkenness.


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