Product Use Overview
| Burn Down, Preplant, At-Planting |
Key Problems / Uses
Use Recommendations
Cobra® Herbicide
Soybeans Black nightshade, cocklebur, Palmer amaranth*, pigweeds, ragweeds, waterhemp *Crop oil concentrate (COC) is required for control
Timing: preplant or preemergence. Labeled rate range: 8–12.5 fl oz/A (preplant); 12.5–19 fl oz/A (preemergence). REI: 12 hours. PHI: 45 days. Field Corn— Timing: 7–30 days prior to planting, depending on geography, planting bed and type of tillage. Labeled rate: 6 fl oz/A. Soybeans— Timing: fall and spring burn down, preplant or preemergence. Preemergence applications must Timing: preemergence or a part of a preplant, burndown program. Preemergence applications must be made with 3 days after planting. Labeled rate range: 1–1.5 pt/A. REI: 12 hours. Timing: fall and spring burn down, preplant or preemergence. Preemergence applications must be made with 3 days of planting. Labeled rate range: 3.75–5.25 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. be made with 3 days after planting. Labeled rate range: 6–7.5 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. Timing: preemergence or part of a preplant, burndown program. Labeled rate: 8 fl oz/A when tank mixed with Fierce EZ and Fierce XLT. REI: 12 hours. Timing: spring burn down, preemergence. Labeled rate range: 6–10 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 60 days. Timing: burn down. Labeled rate range: 2–4 fl oz/A with glyphosate. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 60 days. Timing: burn down, preplant. Refer to the Select Max label for rate recommendations. REI: 24 hours. PHI: 60 days. Field Corn— Timing: fall and spring burn down, 7–30 days prior to planting in no-till or minimum-till corn. Recommended rate: 2 fl oz/A. Soybeans— Timing: fall and spring burn down, preplant or preemergence. Preemergence application must be made within 3 days after planting. Recommended rate range: 2–4 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. Timing: Fall and spring burn down, preplant or preemergence. Preemergence applications must be made with 3 days after planting. Labeled rate range: 2.5–5 oz/A, depending on weeds, organic matter, soil texture and pH (see label). REI: 12 hours.
Fierce® EZ Herbicide
Field corn, soybeans
Annual nightshades, chickweed, common lambsquarters, common ragweed, cutleaf evening primrose, dandelion, henbit, morningglory, Palmer amaranth, pigweeds, velvetleaf, waterhemp
Fierce® MTZ Herbicide
Soybeans Barnyardgrass, common
ragweed, crabgrasses, foxtails, kochia, lambsquarters, marestail, morningglory, Palmer amaranth, panicums, velvetleaf, waterhemp
Fierce® XLT Soybean Herbicide
Soybeans Annual grasses, annual nightshades, common
lambsquarters, dandelion, marestail, Palmer amaranth, ragweed (common, giant) waterhemp, velvetleaf, winter annuals
Mauler® Herbicide
Soybeans Common ragweed, lambsquarters, morningglory, velvetleaf
Perpetuo® Herbicide
Soybeans Crabgrass, foxtails, lambsquarters, morningglory, Palmer amaranth, panicums, velvetleaf, waterhemp
Resource® Herbicide
Field corn, soybeans
Morningglory (in soybeans), velvetleaf
Select Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™
Soybeans Annual and perennial grasses, volunteer corn
Valor® EZ Herbicide 2 Valor® SX Herbicide
Field corn, soybeans
Annual nightshade, Carolina geranium, chickweed, common ragweed, cutleaf evening primrose, dandelion, henbit, kochia, lambsquarters, marestail, morningglory, Palmer amaranth, pigweeds, purple deadnettle, waterhemp
Valor® XLT Soybean Herbicide
Soybeans Annual nightshade, chickweed, cocklebur, cutleaf evening primrose, dandelion, henbit,
kochia, lambsquarters, marestail, morningglory, Palmer amaranth, pigweeds, purple deadnettle, ragweeds, sunflower, waterhemp
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