Valent U.S.A.Midwest Product Guide Book


OVERVIEW Maverick® Corn Herbicide is a low use rate, three-way premix of proven actives (clopyralid, mesotrione and pyroxasulfone), that provides broad spectrum preemergence weed control that can be applied preplant incorporated, preemergence, postemergence or sequential-split application.

Maverick also has postemergence activity that is optimized when used with glyphosate. Maverick contains three modes of action for resistance management. The addition of atrazine will provide an additional mode of action and increase control of problematic weed species in preemergence and postemergence applications. TECHNICAL FEATURES

 Use rate of 14 to 32 fl oz/A ― Preplant incorporated/preemergence: 18–32 fl oz/A (rate dependent on soil type) ― Postemergence: 14 fl oz/A  Three modes of action for broad spectrum control  Atrazine compatible

 Flexible application timing: ― Preplant incorporated ― Preemergence ― Postemergence (up to 18-inch corn or V6, whichever occurs first) ― Sequential application (fine soils only): 14–18 fl oz preemergence followed by 14 fl oz postemergence up to 18-inch corn or V6, whichever occurs first


Plant-Growth Inhibitors–Group 4


HPPD Inhibitors–Group 27


Very-Long-Chain Fatty Acid (VLCFA) Inhibitors–Group 15

LABELED CROPS AND TARGET WEEDS Weeds controlled/suppressed by preemergence application of Maverick in field corn, seed corn, silage corn and yellow popcorn (not all target weeds are listed). Grasses and Sedges Barnyardgrass Goosegrass Rice, red Crabgrass species Johnsongrass, seedling* Sandbur, field* Cupgrass, woolly* Millet, foxtail Shattercane* Foxtail, bristly Millet, wild proso* Signalgrass, broadleaf** Foxtail, giant Nutsedge, yellow Wheat, volunteer* , ** Foxtail, green Oat, wild* , ** Witchgrass Foxtail, robust (purple, white) Panicum, fall Foxtail, yellow Panicum, Texas*


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