Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201605-201606

TheMental Game of your Contact List and Approaches

by Daniel Wood, General Manager

“ Add one name to your contact list and make one approach every day. ” This important advice comes from Frank, a man who knows more about building a Melaleuca business than anyone else. Those who action this advice almost always flourish; those who ignore it almost certainly fail. Melaleuca is a business and work is always required for a business to be successful. You know people and you meet more people every day. You can write and you can talk. And, you can find ten spare minutes each day. Bigthink.com states that the average person has 338 Facebook friends and a survey from the Telegraph newspaper proves that the average person has more than 50 contacts in their mobile phone. There is NO physical reason for you not to act on Frank’s advice. If you did you could change your life for the better—I think you know this—but many of you still don’t do it. It’s weird that changing your life is within your control but there is mental block stopping you from doing so. Being illogical and irrational are normal human characteristics. They’re caused, I believe, because we are emotional. I think you will agree, that it’s our emotions that drive our actions and they are equally as powerful at driving our inactions. I need you to be honest with yourself, have you put all your Facebook and mobile phone contacts onto your Melaleuca contact list? Why not? Perhaps emotions such as doubt and embarrassment stopped you. Making approaches is even more emotionally charged. You can make a call and have a chat with someone, you’ve been doing it since you were a child. However, when many of you think about making an

approach, you feel anxious and there is a real reluctance to make the call. Whatever we name these emotions, they are caused by the same thing: Fear. Fear that something will go wrong. Fear you will bungle or forget your words, or you will be ridiculed and rejected. This is an unpleasant and unproductive way to feel. It’s feeling this way that stops you from being successful. It’s crazy, none of the things your are imagining are real. They haven’t happened and they might not happen. Yet they are almost certainly holding you back and stopping you from achieving your dreams. What’s more, even if it did happen, say someone was to laugh at you and say “No”, would it really be that bad? Would it? I think you’re made of tougher stuff than that! Ask yourself this question, “Are the consequences of what might happen bad enough to stop me from reaching my goals?” You can have the income you want to live the life of your dreams, you just have to get past your fears. North American Corporate Director 8, Eddie Bestoso says it well, “ When people become great enrollers, the rest of the business is easy. ” Conquer these fears and the wind will fill your sails, you will enjoy building a business that rewards your for helping people—it’s remarkable! Remember, the reality of writing a list and making an approach is almost always much better than you imagined. Most people are nice and respectful. The occasional person may be mean, but don’t let that worry you! Feel sorry for them, as they are turning down meeting someone who wants to help them be healthier, wealthier, and altogether happier!

You have every reason to expect success with the people you add to your list and approaches. Just do two things: 1. Even if you think of a reason not to add someone to your list, think of two reasons why you should add them —these reasons are always there—add everyone to your list! 2. Before you make an approach, think about how you can help people: physical, financial, environmental and personal wellness. Nearly everyone needs and wants help in one or more of these areas. Imagine success, the person on the other end of the phone accepting you and saying 'Yes' to meeting up with you. Make sure you feel good before making a call. You may think these exercises are pointless or trivial, please reconsider. In my opinion, they are an important part of leading yourself. You know that achieving something meaningful involves overcoming problems. You’ll do this only if you think positively, and think why someone can be a Melaleuca customer. And believing that people do want to hear from you and that you will make successful calls. John Maxwell considers personal leadership to be the keystone of leadership itself when he says, “ To lead others, you must first learn to lead yourself .” Believe in yourself, lead yourself to success by conquering Critical Activities 1 & 2 and you will have the skills, knowledge and experience to lead an army of wellness warriors to the lives you all dream of. Yours truly Daniel

bigthink.com/praxis/do-you-have-too-many-facebook-friends http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobile-phones/9428917/Britons-have-50-contacts-in-mobile-phone-but-have-memorised-just-two-numbers.html


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