NWFL POP High School Handbook

Reason 5: Drinking Might Lead to Being an Alcoholic Most teens have negative images of alcoholics, and most do not want to become alcoholics. Yet they believe they can control their drinking and will not become alcoholics. Research clearly shows, however, that the younger a person starts drinking, the greater the chance they will develop alcohol problems later in life. Adults who started drinking at age 15 or 16 are five times more likely to be diagnosed with alcohol dependence as adults who started drinking after age 21. Coffee Doesn’t Work! After you drink, the liver removes alcohol from your body and bloodstream. This process takes time and cannot be sped up. As a result, there is no proven way to make a person sober quicker. You can’t get sober faster by: ࡟ Drinking coffee

Your teen probably trusts the people she or he is around, and you may trust them too, but alcohol can turn situations dangerous. Eighty-five percent of women who have been sexually assaulted were assaulted by someone they knew. Reason 4: Drinking Can Lead to Early Death Heavy drinking can damage the liver, kidneys, brain, and heart, all with serious long-term consequences. However, even one night of heavy drinking can have life- changing results, including unprotected sex (which may lead to pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease), death from alcohol poisoning or choking on vomit, or car crashes that are fatal.

The Bottom Line The best approach is to discuss negative consequences in a straightforward and honest manner.

࡟ Exercising ࡟ Eating food ࡟ Getting fresh air ࡟ Taking a cold shower

Remind your teen: Never get in a car with a driver who is trying to sober up. Coffee and other methods just don’t work.


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