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“I am back playing my favorite sports with no issues.”
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“My experience at PTwas amazing. At first, I had trouble playing, baseball and soccer. After therapy I am back playing my favorite sports with no issues and my knee feels better than ever.”
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Golf injuries: Play it safe with these tips. Although golf is a low-impact sport, it’s associated with a significant number of injuries. Many golfing-related injuries are a result of poor mechanics or overuse. The most commonly injured area is the lower back, followed by the elbow, wrist and hand, and shoulder. • Use proper posture. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and rotated slightly outward, and with your knees slightly bent. Hold your spine relatively straight; your trunk should be tilted forward, but most of that movement should come from your hips. Avoid hunching over the ball, which may contribute to neck and back strain. • Stay smooth. The power of a golf swing comes from force transferred smoothly through all the muscle groups, from your ankles to your wrists. If you depend on one part of your body for your hitting power, you may be more prone to injuries. For example, overemphasizing your wrists during your swing can lead to golfer’s elbow — a strain of the muscles on the inside of the forearm. • Don’t overswing. If you swing the club too hard or too fast, you may stress your joints. Relax and take a nice, easy swing at the ball.The best golfers have consistent — not necessarily fast — swing tempos. ARE YOU GOLFING SAFELY? Any patient who post’s a picture from a vacation on our Facebook page will enter a chance to win a Chili’s gift card.
Donna Johnson
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