“NICHOLAS SIKOBE, a devoted family man, preacher, and mentor with a heart for guid- ing couples and youths on their spiritual jour- ney. Grounded in Psalm 115:18—’But as for us, we will bless the Lord from this time forth and forev- er. Praise the Lord!’. Nicholas embodies a commitment to a life of continual praise and blessings. Through his words and actions, he inspires others to walk a path of gratitude, love, and enduring faith in the Lord.” “ BRIAN HARRISON ,

FACILITATORS We purpose to identify and use Servants of God who have the same bu- rden: to see the King- dom of God taking over the kingdoms of this world.

“JORDAN MORRIS, a compassionate soul in church family, ex- tends the hand of God through humanitarian efforts and assistance to the needy. Dedicated to uplifting the less fortu- nate, Jordan organizes

a graduate of South- west Baptist Theologi- cal Seminary in 1986, stands as an inspira- tional figure in christian community. Rooted in John 3:27—’A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him

impactful crusades with a powerful message: ‘All for Jesus.’ With a heart aligned with di- vine purpose, Jordan exemplifies the true essence of faith in action, leaving an indelible mark on

christian family.” “PASTOR DYLISALY JOHNSON , Sr. Pastor and Founder of Prince Of Peace Ministries Church, is a powerful servant of Christ dedi- cated to leading others to the abundant life in Christ’s kingdom. With unwavering faith and a passion for empower- ing all believers, Pastor

from heaven’—Brian passionately imparts wisdom through his topical teachings, focusing on pro- found subjects. Encouraging others to be Bereans, delving into the Word and seeking prophetic un- derstanding, Brian Harrison strives to deepen our collective spiritual insight.”

PASTOR TIM POLIS , a guide in spiritual guid- ance, illuminates the path to profound awakening. With inspired sermons and dynamic sherpherd- ing, he invites believers on a transformative journey

Johnson serves as a of inspiration, weaving her charismatic preaching into the fabric of our con- gregation. Her ministry reflects a commitment to fostering spiritual growth and embracing the transformative power of God’s love.”

towards plentiful living. With a focus on unlock- ing the extraordinary blessings of salvation, Pastor Polis fosters a church where the Holy Spirit’s power is palpable, influencing lives to embrace a deeper connection with God and radiate that transforma- tive energy into the world.

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