T he vision for the Spiritual Awakening Conference shall be done. Let us join hands and see the glory of the Son of God being manifested among us, in us and through us. 1. PRAYERS We ask you to lay hands on this document and pray that, a. The Lord will be glorified in this confer- ence and in people’s lives, b. That the Holy Spirit will have the ab- solute lead before, during and after the conference, c. That the pure Gospel of God will be preached, taught in the power of the Holy Spirit, d. That God will bless those who lead in

all walks to come to the meeting daily and on time, f. That God provides the $ 15,000 we need for the running of the conference, g. That people will have clarity in hear- ing and instantly obeying the voice of God, h. That all travelling to the meet- ing by air , road or otherwise will have safe travels, i. That the impact of the meeting will unleash the un- precedented power of God that will cause revival such that has never been witnessed as the Day of the Lord draws near, j. That our teams will work in unity of purpose for the fulfillment of God’s purpose, k. That we shall have all manner of work- ers to volunteer to work before, during and after to make this conference a success, l. That God will demonstrate His Word with signs and wonders. We want heal- ing and miracles to be a common oc- currence before, during and after the conference and m. That the meeting shall enjoy an open heaven with the gifts of the Holy Spirit flowing freely before, during and after the conference.

“I would also request that we do warfare against the forc- es of Darkness that have compromised the moves of God among believ- ers. Bind

worship and adora- tion with heavenly angelic songs of the hour, e. That God will stir up the

hearts of men and women of

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