NTX High School Handbook

࡟ More sluggish and passive than usual, and doesn’t care as much about former interests or appearance. ࡟ Unusually aggressive or rebellious. ࡟ Hanging around with different friends and is more secretive than usual. ࡟ Struggling with grades or skipping school. ࡟ Borrowing money more often. ࡟ Acting drunk and intoxicated, stumbling or moving awkwardly, slurring speech and has a dull, unfocused look or bloodshot eyes. Do ࡟ Discuss the problem calmly with your son or daughter. ࡟ Explain that you are concerned and willing to help. ࡟ Stay awake when your teen stays out late, when possible, and show you are interested in what they are doing. ࡟ Seek professional help to handle this situation. Don’t ࡟ Take over your teen’s responsibilities. Instead, provide him or her with the means to take responsibility for himself or herself. ࡟ Argue with your son or daughter if she or he is drunk. ࡟ Make excuses or cover up for your son or daughter. If you think your son or daughter might have a drinking problem, do not turn your back on the problem. these may be an attempt to mask the odor of alcohol.

These laws typically set night driving restrictions for young drivers and set limits on passengers. Both of these rules are very important to the safety of teen drivers. Take the following steps shown to help keep teens safe: ࡟ Set no-alcohol use rules. ࡟ Tell your teen to always buckle up in all seats of the car. ࡟ Tell your teen to slow down and respect the speed limit. ࡟ Do not allow your teen to make phone calls or send text messages while driving. The best way to prevent this activity is to have your phone off while driving. ࡟ Limit the number of passengers allowed in the car when your teen is driving. ࡟ Limit nighttime and weekend driving for your teen. ࡟ Set curfews on the time your teen needs to be home to limit the amount of risk. ࡟ Know where your teen is by monitoring his or her activities. COULD YOUR TEEN HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM? Your teen could already be drinking, and even have a drinking problem, if 1) alcohol is missing from bottles or cans in your home, or 2) you’ve discovered alcohol hidden in your teen’s backpack, car, or room. Your teen may have a problem with alcohol if he or she is:

࡟ Using breath mints or mouthwash heavily—


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