Professional April 2024


On your behalf

Happy new tax year, payroll, pensions and reward professionals! While you’ve all been preparing for 2024/25, the CIPP’s policy and research team has also been kept busy, and you can read more below... Policy team update

for the survey report in early May. To see previous reports (and the current year’s report, once released), please go here:

leading on this technical consultation, who’ve confirmed they wish to run think tanks with our full, fellow and Chartered members, to discuss the draft regulations in more detail. Forums The policy team is privileged to sit on several HMRC forums. Sam, Mathew Akrigg (policy and research officer) and Sarah attended several forums between them in March, including the: l collection of student loans consultation group l one-to-many compliance advisory board (OCAB) l employment and payroll group (EPG) l HMRC expert panel forum l employment status and intermediaries (ESI) forum l construction forum. The team sits on these forums to ensure our members’ feedback is provided at government level. We will always update you on our findings and information provided through these groups, via Professional and News Online . If you have any issues you would like raising at any of the professional forums we sit on, please reach out to the team by emailing us at . n

Consultation and call for evidence (CfE) updates

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has published a new technical consultation, which will require businesses to change the information they provide to HMRC through both pay as you earn (PAYE) real time information (RTI) returns completed by employers, and income tax self-assessment returns. For payroll professionals, whether working in-house or as a service provider, this means from April 2025, employers will be required to provide more detailed information on employees’ hours paid via RTI. This may mean a change in the data gathered from your or your clients’ employees, in order to meet the new reporting requirements. You can see the technical consultation here: HMRC has confirmed the measure will not come into force any earlier than the start of the tax year 2025 to 2026. Keep an eye on your emails, as the policy team has already spoken to HMRC officials

BeConnected events Samantha O’Sullivan, policy and advisory lead, and Sarah Smith, policy and research officer, delivered tax year updates at the final two BeConnected events in the current tax year. The penultimate event was online on 12 March, and we finished this year’s BeConnected series face-to-face in Manchester on 13 March. Both sessions were well attended and included coverage of the updates announced in the spring budget. To view more budget details, head on over to the budget hub at https://, and flick to our hot topic article in this issue. Payslip Statistics Survey This year’s Payslip Statistics Survey was successfully rolled out and available for completion during February and March. It has now closed, and the policy team is analysing the data. Keep your eyes peeled

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | April 2024 | Issue 99 6

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