AZ Middle School Handbook


Final Takeaways

Parenting is the process of empowering your child to become an effectively functioning and happy adult. To Help Keep Your Child Safe: ࡟ Begin talking together specifically about alcohol and marijuana. ࡟ Listen to your child’s concerns respectfully, and use positive parenting techniques. ࡟ Set clear no-alcohol/marijuana use rules, and agree on appropriate consequences for breaking these rules. ࡟ Enforce consequences when the rules are broken. ࡟ Discuss short-term and long-term risks of underage alcohol use. ࡟ Help your child plan how to deal with social pressure to drink alcohol. ࡟ Keep track of where your child is, and with whom, on a regular basis. ࡟ Teach your child: no riding in a car with someone who has been drinking or using. ࡟ Make sure your child is in a monitored, alcohol-free environment. ࡟ Support school and community policies that keep alcohol and marijuana away from underage youth. ࡟ Support the 21 Minimum Drinking Age law.


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