Peter King | Between Two Islands | July 2023


We are delighted to invite you to our first solo exhibition of Peter King’s work. Glasgow born Peter studied drawing and painting at Glasgow School of Art before embarking on a career in teaching for over thirty years. He retired in 2010 to focus on painting full time and has since exhibited regularly at the Royal Scottish Academy, The Royal Glasgow Institute and in commercial galleries throughout the UK. The weathered landscape of the Scottish Borders, Kintyre, The Clyde Valley and the vast panorama of land and sky dominated by Tinto Hill are a constant source of ideas and inspiration for Peter. He has developed his painting style with a broad range of motifs which he constantly returns to and reinterprets, focusing on aspects of changing light and colour. Following his move to the Isle of Arran a few years ago, this exhibition reflects upon the time he has spent there, with the landscape becoming increasingly familiar and a point of comparison with the places he paints on the mainland. Peter uses the unique qualities of oil paint to capture and accentuate the seasonal effects and changes of light on the environment around him, and the vibrancy and tactile nature of the medium ensures that his style of textured mark making evokes as much wonder and awe as the landscapes themselves.

Eileadh Swan Gallery Director


All paintings are for sale and may be purchased or reserved prior to the exhibition opening. We kindly request that decisions on reserves are made by 5pm on Friday the 7th of July.

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