... continued from Cover
How do you live a simple life? The first thing you want to do is evaluate the lifestyle you have now. What is your everyday routine? What do you look at on your phone? Understand your routine and habits so that you can modify them. After reviewing your daily routine, create a list of everything important to you. Write down your values, goals, and who and what you care about. Be sure to keep this list somewhere where you can
Finally, carve out time to practice gratitude. It’s an easy trap to compare your life to those you see online. Instead, take a step back and think about all the unique life experiences and people you have. Each day, write down a few things you’re grateful for. These can be as simple as getting out of bed in the morning or as complex as you’d like. When you reflect on your life and the good things in it, you develop a deeper appreciation for what you have.
Once we pull ourselves out of our phones and look at the world around us, we start living in the present more completely! Living a simple life allows us to disconnect from our smartphones and other devices and enjoy more time to do what we love. We become more grateful and experience less stress and anxiety.
view it often. When important things are front and center, it’s easier to align your habits and behavior with your values.
Once you’ve outlined your values, create a routine and invest your time in meaningful things to help you grow and achieve your goals. So, the next time you feel the urge to scroll aimlessly on your phone in the presence of your friends and family, ask yourself: “Does this support or diminish my values?” Hopefully, your answer will help you participate more in activities that benefit you.
So, take some time this month to reflect on your daily routine and find ways to incorporate a simpler way of life into your schedule. When you first start, it will be challenging to change your habits. But with patience, dedication, and time, you will reap the benefits of living simply.
After a couple of hours, Frances Wall, Roger’s owner, began calling for Roger. When he didn’t immediately come home when she called, she started looking for him, and that’s when she found Roger and Cohen. She immediately called emergency services, and three firefighters came by the home to free Cohen. They quickly took him to the hospital because they worried about hypothermia.
Dogs are known for their keen sense of smell — on TV, you will often see dogs that can find missing people or even search for drugs and bombs. When dogs use their extraordinary senses for a particular job, they’re often trained for that one purpose, but even without training, dogs do seem to know something is wrong.
Roger, the Jack Russell terrier-poodle mix, is a great example.
Our story takes place in Ringwood, England, in December 2022. Winter was in full swing, with temperatures below freezing. No one wanted to find themselves outside in the cold for too long because it could be dangerous. Unfortunately, that’s what happened to 94-year-old Morris Cohen, and he almost died. Cohen just got home and parked his car in the garage when he found himself in a spot of trouble. As he tried to exit his vehicle, his walking stick suddenly snapped in half. Unable to keep his balance, Cohen fell and became wedged under his car’s brake and clutch pedals. The man called for help several times, but unfortunately, no one could hear his pleas, and he remained stuck overnight. The next day, Roger’s owners let him roam around outside. Roger began sniffing around Cohen’s home (some believe Roger had heard the man’s calls for help), and once Roger found the elderly man, he didn’t leave his side for the rest of the day.
Over a week later, medical staff released Cohen from the hospital, and now he gives Roger treats whenever he sees him. “I owe my life to that dog. They [health care professionals] said that if I would’ve been there for a few more hours, I would have been a goner,” Cohen told Bournemouth Daily Echo. Fortunately for Cohen, Roger’s amazing canine senses saved the day. It’s always great to have a furry friend around — you never know when their incredible skills will come in handy!
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